🎀Chapter 35🎀

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"The water shines only by the sun. And it is you who are my sun."

– Charles de Leusse


"Why don't you girls go ahead? I have to visit the restroom"

"You did that two minutes ago" Monse says, causing Eulalie to laugh

"I know. Tell that to the baby. I'll be right back"

"Wait. Let me help you with those" Eulalie says, coming over to take the shopping bags from me

"Oh that won't be necessary. You already have bags of your own"

"Eufy, I insist" she says and I smile, handing the bags to her and turning around to head to the washroom.

Getting to the ladies, I halt and turn around, feeling eyes on me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. It's Christmas day and there are lots of people in town, in the mall. To just have fun and get some shopping done. Surely there are eyes everywhere.

After getting done with my business, I meet the girls and purchase a Christmas tree that is suitable for Kendra and I, before the four of us leave the mall.

"So how about this, we go out tonight?" Kendra suggests, just as we exit the mall.

"Um.. I'll have to bail. Ale and I have a dinner date" I say and Monse furrows her eyebrows in question.


"My boyfriend" I respond, and I inwardly smile. It's the first time I've said it out loud. It feels too good to be true. A man who is willing to love me and love a child that is not his. A man who is in for the long haul.

"And how come I've never heard about him?" She gasps, feigning hurt.

I laugh, "Sorry, these past few weeks have been hectic"

"How long have you both been together?" She asks

"Not long" I smile, before my gaze lands on a very quiet Eulalie who's eyes are far off in a distance

"Why are you so quiet 'Lalie?"


"I guessed it would be shorter" I shrug

"It is. That's what everyone calls me back home. Anyway, talking about your boyfriend, just made me miss mine"

"He's in France?" Kendra questions, and she nods

"Wait. You come from France?" Monse asks

"Yhup. Born and raised"

"That's cool"

"Tell me about it. Although it can get a bit boring. Everyone who hasn't visited France before feels like it's such a big place. Especially Paris. But it feels like just a small town the longer you stay there"

"You have to take us for a visit" Kendra chuckles

Eulalie winks, "Definitely"

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