♠️Chapter 57♠️

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"You there already?" Monse asks over the phone and I yawn, placing a sleeping Autry in the middle of the bed. The boy loves his sleep.

"Oh yeah. I'm feeling a bit jet lagged though"

"How was your flight?" She asks and I happen to remember Simon, who took my number after we got off, and got me a car to bring me straight to our hotel. He's a true gentleman.

"It was good. I met this guy, and we talked..." I trail off

She squeals so loud I'm sure I would have to check my ear drums sometime, I'm surprised the sound hasn't even woken up Autry because she is on loud speaker.

"What is his name? How was he like? What does he do? Is he handsome?"

"Babe, one question at a time. Yes, he is handsome. He is called Simon. And he took my number. And he was very very very polite, sweet too"

"You sound like you are into him already" she coos

"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves Monse. He really is a nice guy and I'm now getting to know him. Hopefully after this week is over before I return, we would meet again"

"I really hope so too. Anyway, send my kisses to Autry. My baby is home and I'm horny"

"TMI Monse, I dont need to know about your... extra curricular activities"

She chuckles before responding, "That's what bestfriends do sister. We share." She laughs louder at her own joke

"You are not funny" I say, even though the wide grin plastered on my face says otherwise

"You and I know that's a lie" she says before I hear kissing sounds from the other end of the line, and I sigh

"Who are you talking to?" I hear Justin ask

"Eufy. I'm kissing you because I need to make a point about sharing when it comes to our friendship. That makes sense right?"

"Um... yeah?" He asks with a chuckle before Monse replies me

"Babe you hear that? Sharing is good"

"Goodnight Monse"

"But we aren't done talking yet" she whines

"What happened to you being horny?"

"Oh yeah" she giggles "A girl has needs. Bye babes. I love you"

"I love you much much more Monse. Now get 'em"

"You know it Tiger" she squeals before I hung up, shaking my head with a chuckle. 

Autry stirs and I pick him up, placing kisses all over his face.

"Mama.. wet" he groans, using his little hands to push my face away

"It really hurts my feelings that you dont want my kisses" I say and he ignores me, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "You my dear boy, are a heartbreaker. Now come on and let's get a bath" I say, getting up, because I know he doesnt understand a bit of what I'm spewing.

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