A.D. 1:9

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Sirius' birthday was coming up – in three days, to be exact, and Lucinda was at a loss of what to do. She couldn't just give him another sketch, since as much as she knows Sirius treasured each and every one – she didn't want to be too redundant in her gift giving. But then again, what else could she give? As much as she hates to admit it, she didn't have the money to buy the things she really wanted to get him (she knows how much he'd like his own record player because let's be honest, who wouldn't?!).

    She tries her hardest to come up with something worthy as she makes her way back to Ravenclaw Tower after her last class. But the truth was that there wasn't much she could think of that wasn't beyond her budget – and the thought was troubling her.

Her inner ramblings got interrupted when a hand shot out from one of the empty classrooms she happened to walk past and grabbed her by the elbow, pulling her into the room.

    "What the fu-" she stopped herself as soon as she recognized the hazel eyes staring back at her. Ripping her arm off his grip, she rolls her eyes. "Why am I not surprised?"

    James grins at her, and she feels her initial annoyance fade away. She sighs.

    "Aw, Luce, you know you love spending time with me," he teases her, nudging her slightly with his shoulder.

    "Keep telling yourself that, Potter."

    James makes his way to the desk that was nearest to the door and sits down on the table. Being as tall as he was, his feet were still touching the floor – and he was tapping them slightly as he waited for the brunette to approach him. Lucy purses her lips before following the boy, albeit begrudgingly. She comes to a stop a few feet in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest, "is there any reason you pulled me in here?"

    "Of course! What kind of person do you think I am?" James gasps in mock offense, his hand to his chest.

    Lucy raises her eyebrow, "do you really want me to answer that?"

    "Probably not," James laughs, and she couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped her lips.

    He runs his hand through his messy hair, and Lucy has to stop herself from staring. Focus, she scolds herself. Luckily, James chooses that moment to get to the point as he clears his throat and asks, "do you have any plans for Sirius' birthday?"

    She bites her lip slightly, thinking of whether she could tell the boy about her troubles with regards to the subject or not. Taking a deep breath, she just shakes her head, "not really, no. Just planned on getting a cake from the kitchens like I always do. Don't even have a gift yet..."

    "Want to help me out with what I'm planning, then?"

    "That depends..." she looks at him suspiciously, narrowing her eyes, "what are you planning?"

    "A small get-together of sorts in our dorm room," seeing Lucy about to protest, he was quick to continue, "just the five of us, I promise! Anyway, as I was saying, we can have a get-together in our room the night before so we can welcome his birthday together."

    She thinks about it for a while, and James is growing impatient as he bounces slightly in his seat. He really wants Lucy's help with this, since he knows she meant a lot to Sirius and it would make him so happy if she was there with them on his birthday. Of course, he knows that both teens usually spent the afternoons together, while the evenings were reserved for James and the other lads, but it'd be different if they were all together as they welcome his sixteenth year.

    There was just something symbolic about staying up and waiting for your birthday with people who matter, James thinks. Birthdays are just new years for a specific person, and when you welcome them with the people who love you, he believes that these people will stay with you for the rest of the year.

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