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It was a twist of fate that paved the way for Lucinda Sparrow and Sirius Black to form the strongest friendship they would ever experience in their lifetimes.

For Lucinda – Lucy, for short – that day started off as just one of those days. It was hard for her to relate with her peers, as she liked her solitude better - so she often went around looking just for that. Solitude.

And besides, she never found anyone who understood her the way she needed. She was used to it, anyway, having grown up in an orphanage with rowdy kids, moody teenagers, and caretakers who never actually did any caring.

Sometimes, everything becomes too much for a twelve year old to handle.

She was pacing along the corridor, thinking of where to go, when a door appeared out of nowhere.

It was somewhat of an answered prayer, really. It was a bonus that the place had big comfy sofas and records of all her favorite muggle music.


For Sirius Black, that day was an absolute nightmare.

Not only did an older student make snide remarks about how he'd turn out exactly like his abusive family, but he felt like he couldn't even talk to his best mates because they wouldn't understand.

Sometimes, the weight of this cruel world becomes too much for a twelve year old to handle.

He was angrily pacing down a random corridor on the seventh floor, thinking about how stupid everyone was, when a door appeared to his left.

He raised his eyebrow and pushed the door open.

Of all the things he expected to see when he opened the door, he never expected it to be a girl his age sitting on the floor, with her back to one of the couches and her school robe discarded beside her.

He shut the door with much more force than he intended to, and he flinched at the loud sound it made.

The girl turned towards him, raised an eyebrow, but otherwise paid him no mind. He exhaled, but walked closer nevertheless.

It was at that moment he realized that there was music coming from somewhere in the room.

Curiously, he looked at the contraption on the carpeted floor in front of where the girl was sitting. There was a plate moving in circles... and it was playing music? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"It's a record player," the girl spoke, finally, but she kept her eyes closed, "it plays music."

Not knowing what to say, he just nods and stands around awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"You can sit, you know," she finally opened her eyes and Sirius can see that it was a nice shade of blue.

Taking her advice, he sat on the floor across her, basking in the soft music playing in the background.

Oh, when times get rough

And friends just can't be found

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down

What both kids didn't realize was that both of them had not just asked for an escape that day, they had also asked for someone to understand.

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