A.D. 1:13

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 Christmas day found Lucinda Sparrow with her eyebrows furrowed and a murderous glint in her eye. Well, things weren't too bad, but if you were woken up by two obnoxious teenage boys jumping on your bed and yelling directly to your ears, you'd be pretty annoyed too.

Anyway, the four of them were now on their way to the Hospital wing, where Remus was currently residing. The full moon had only been the night before, so the lanky boy was still bedridden and in recovery. Since it was Christmas morning, though, the group of friends thought it'd be great to open their gifts with and bring breakfast to their sick friend.

Lucy, being as grumpy as she was, refused to help carry anything - you lot woke me up at the crack of dawn, why do I have to do anything?

But, of course, as soon as she saw them struggling to carry the picnic baskets and the sack of gifts, she murmured a spell that would levitate the extra stuff behind them as they walked. And, before anyone could even thank her, she rolls her eyes and huffs.

James looks at Sirius, but all Sirius does is shake his head, as if to say that it'd be best to leave the girl be. Shrugging, James continues whistling as they take the last turn that'd bring them to the Hospital Wing. Turning to the right, where the dormitories were, James didn't even bother knocking as he and Sirius barge in through the large oak doors.

Shaking her head, Lucy follows the boys in. Unlike the three boys who went straight to their best friend, though, the brunette heads to the desk at the far end of the room. Reaching for the card she tucked into her sweater pocket, she smiles at Madam Pomfrey. "Merry Christmas, Madam Pomfrey! I'm sorry I couldn't get you much --"

The matron didn't let her finish, "You didn't have to get me anything, period."

"I did, anyway. Here you go," Lucy smiles sheepishly as she hands the card to Madam Pomfrey.

"Did you draw this, Lucinda?" The older lady had a fond smile in her face as her eyes looked over the cartoon version of herself with a Santa hat.

Biting her lip, Lucy nods, "I hope you like it."

"I do," Madam Pomfrey assures the girl, "I'll frame it and put it on my desk. Thank you."

"It's no problem, really. Thank you for teaching me a lot of things, and for being patient. Not just with me, but with those four troublemakers as well," she awkwardly rubs her arms, " Anyway, I should probably go back to the lads..."

"Oh, before you go, I have something for you as well!"

"You didn't have to, I-" before she could finish though, Madam Pomfrey shakes her head adamantly as she passes the brunette a wrapped rectangular present.

"Take it. I hope you put it to good use," with a knowing smile, the matron sends her back to her friends with a wave of her hand. Before she leaves, though, the girl sends the woman what she hoped to be a thankful smile, "thank you, Madam Pomfrey, truly."

When she got back to her boys, they all sent her questioning looks. Well, apart from Sirius who saw the need to be an absolute git by coughing out, "suck up" twice right to her face.

All Lucy does is roll her eyes, before turning to the sandy-haired boy looking up at them from the bed with a weak smile. "Alright, Rem?" She asks.

"Never better," the boy grins at her with tired but genuine eyes.

He meant it, too. This is the first Christmas he gets to spend with the boys, and despite him being in the hospital wing, it's easily the best Christmas of his life so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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