Chapter 2

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"Class 1-A... class 1-A... class 1-A..." I was muttering to myself as I searched for my classroom. I was practically buzzing with nerves, though maybe it was excitement, or the sun coursing through my body. I couldn't tell.

With a start I looked up to see a door labeled 'Class 1-A'. Though, saying door makes it seem like  it's an average, every day type of thing. In actuality, it was humoungous. I felt a thrill imagining someone in my class being that big, it would be fun to battle them. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening the huge door. When I opened my eyes I saw a normal classroom. I was expecting something a bit more glamorous, and honestly I was a bit disapointed. 

I eyed each of the desks, trying to account for how far each one was from the windows. The brightside of getting here so early was that most of the desks were empty. If I picked one too close to the windows, I'd have too much energy; on the other hand, if I was too far, I wouldn't have enough. It's not as simple as it sounds; I had to look for angles and reflections, and I had to take into consideration how the sun's angle would change throughout the day. I was so busy looking at the desks that I didn't realize more people were filing in the classroom.

"I know you're amazed to be at such a prestigious school as this, but please try to mind the students entering the classroom. You're blocking the door." A voice came from behind me.

"O-oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I bashfully said while turning around to look at a strict-looking guy with glasses. I almost thought he was a teacher until I saw he was wearing a student uniform. A perfectly styled student uniform. Don't get me wrong, I love it when people take risks in fashion, but sometimes it's good to wear things as they were meant to be weared. I decided that I would like to continue to get to know him.

"It's okay, I'm quite excited myself, too."

I smiled at him, I could've explained what I was actually doing, but it would be unnecessary.

"I'll go sit down now," I told him. I had already picked out my seat, and I made my way torwards it. However, someone else was sitting there, a boy with peppermint hair. I realized he must have slipped by when I was talking with the perfect-uniform kid. I had two options:

a) I could talk to him.

or b) I could suffer for the whole year.

Just as I was about to pick option b, I saw him staring at me. He was staring so thoughtfully at me that I was about to go red (whaaat, he's cute), but I realized it was only because I had been staring at him. Great, now I have to go talk to him. 

I approached his desk, and when I got there I said, "would you mind switching seats? I was going to sit there". 

He looked up at me and stared. Just when I thought he was mute, he said, "there are other seats available."

It was true, I looked around and saw that the rest of the seats in the backrow were empty. Despite logical reason, I felt a flare of annoyance work its way through me. I gritted my teeth as I said "I need this seat for it's angle against the sun, otherwise I will shine too bright and distract others."

"I doubt that."

"Hmph!" I aggressively sat in the desk to the right of him, let's see how he likes that. 

Since getting here, almost all of the desks have filled up, and now that I could see that the scariest person here is probably my cousin, I wasn't feeling so nervous anymore, in fact, I was really excited. I tried not to let that peppermint-haired guy next to me bother me, and I mentally cursed myself for sitting near him, because I wanted to stay far away from him. But the reward of annoying him with my bright aura would be worth it, I thought with a mischevious giggle.

I looked around to see who else was near me, and felt relief when I saw the friendly girl from the entrance exam was sitting right next to me. I inwardly smiled as I Izuku was sitting directly behind Katsuki, that should be interesting. I also made a mental note to ask him by the end of the day to not tell others about me and Katsuki's relation to one another. 

I turned my attention to my cousin, seeing him in an argument with the boy who had told me to clear out of the doorway. I scoffed, leave it to Katsuki to get in a fight before school even starts. 

"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down. Time is a precious resource, you lot aren't very rational, are you?" In walked a man wearing a yellow seat bag. He looked like a hobo, straight off the streets, but I figured he must be credible if UA hired him. Besides, streetwear is in right now. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, nice to meet you."

I felt a collective drop in the atmosphere as that information sunk into everyone, undoubtedly we were all wondering how this guy could be our homeroom teacher. 

"Now, get into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds." 

We all grabbed our clothes from the number assigned to our desks, then headed to the locker rooms. 

Ochaco Uraraka came up to me. "Hi! Mizuki, right?"

I smiled at her, "I heard you tried to give your points to Izuku, that was really nice of you!"

"Ohh..." her face flushed while she rubbed the back of her head, giggling nervously. 

We got dressed and I met some of the other girls; one had earphone jacks for ears, and she seemed really cool. Another was gorgeous, and not afraid to show off as she changed. One girl was pink and very friendly, I already really liked her.

As we walked over to the fields as a group, we were talking and trying to figure out more about one another. There were only 6 other girls, and I think there was an unspoken agreement between the seven of us to be an allied front.

When we got to the field, we were quickly met by the rest of the class. Our teacher, Aizawa, began, "today we'll be testing your quirks. The loser in all categories will be expelled."

There was a collective gulp amongst my class. I wasn't nervous, I knew I wouldn't be the worst in the class, but I looked over at Izuku and saw that he was about to fall apart. He was standing a little in front of me, within arm-length, so I gave him a little nudge. He looked at me and I gave him a small, reassuring smile. From the corner of my eye I saw Uraraka look at the floor, with what I percieved as a small flush to her face. 

Aizawa listed off the tests we would be doing, all pretty standard for gym class, including the long jump, grip strength test, and seated toe touch. The only difference is that we were free to use our quirks however we saw fit. 

"Bakugou, how far could you throw in middle school?" I looked up at Aizawa, who was looking at my cousin. 

"67 meters."

"Great, now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you want, just don't leave the circle."

With a great boom my cousin screamed "die!" and threw the ball as far as he could, blasting it off into the sky. 

Aizawa held up the recording device,  a respectable 705.2 meters was displayed on the screen. 

"If you thought it would be possible to slack off at UA, you were sorely mistaken. Be prepared to be put through the wringer for the next three years."

With that, the first event started. 

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