Chapter 5

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Himiko and Hagakure walked into the building and hid their bomb- well, they hid the two meter bomb as best they could, anyway. She told Hagakure to keep her shoes on, but leave everything else off. they didn't have much in the way of a plan, and it heavily relied on a hypothesis of a person she only met a day before, but if it worked, it would put them at a real advantage.

Himiko got in her place right above the bomb and waited for the ice to start forming. Yes! She thought as she saw the ice creep into the room. Todoroki, in all of his predictability, was going to freeze the whole building, and thus his two opponents. What he didn't think to realize is that one of his opponents could fly. She flew up into the air and hovered, dropping down once the ice settled. 

Todoroki calmly walked into the room, likely expecting her to be frozen in place. Instead, she had a big ball of energy, ready to push him into Hagakure. She threw the ball slightly to the left so that he would dive to the right, where Hagakure was standing.

"You missed," he said.

Himiko smirked, "did I?" 

Hagakure pounced on him, at least that's what Himiko figured from the way he started struggling. Just as she was about to get the tape on him, he created a massive boulder of ice, trapping Hagakure inside, so much for making her wear shoes. 

Himiko wanted to end this quick, Hagakure was naked and trapped in ice, which must have been painful. Just then Shoji ran in, Himiko hadn't heard Todoroki radio for him, so she knew he must have come up when his partner was taking too long. 

Ok, think Himiko, I really only need to last five more minutes, and then they will have run out of time. I can put an energy shield around the whole bomb, and they wouldn't be able to get to it, but then I would be vulnerable to capture. I could speed to them and quickly capture one of them, but the other would be free to go to the bomb and hit it. The way I see it, I can't defend and I can't attack. But still... I have to try. 

She quickly gathered as much energy as she could from the window before bending it straight at them, creating a wide semi-circle attack that forced the two of them into the wall in light speed. Todoroki was the bigger threat, but they would be expecting her to attack him, and he would be harder to capture, so she went for Shoji. She emitted all the light that was stored in her and kept it contained in her aura, making it impossible for him to be able to look at her before she ran up to him, quickly grabbing his wrist and tying them together. She made a band of light energy around Todoroki, temporarily making him stick to the wall, but it wouldn't hold long. She held Shoji long enough for her to tie the tape, then quickly backed off towards the bomb. But Todoroki had already broke free from the weak ring she had put around him. She let her aura go back to normal as she was going blind herself, and the light returned to inside her body. As Todoroki put up his hand to blast ice at her, she made a shield around herself. For a while they stood like that, battling of the wills. She could see that his ice was creeping towards the left side of his body, but she could feel the burns at her hands, where the sunlight was touching. She could feel herself weakening at all the energy that was burning through her- lunch was a whole hour ago... She felt her knees buckling, and her vision fading to black. She had stored so much sunlight in her, too much, this whole time. Finally, she collapsed. Todoroki's ice covered her body, and the hero team was announced the winners. 

The last thing she saw before fading to black was Todoroki walking towards her. 


From the surveillance room, Katsuki roughly grabbed All Might's speaker. "DON'T MELT THE ICE ON HER YOU HALF N' HALF BASTARD!" He shouted, referring to the thin layer of ice surrounding Himiko's body. 

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