Chapter 3

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The first event was the 50 meter dash. I figured I could either fly, or store more solar energy in my legs. I was still perfecting how to fly, and was worried I would crash and burn, so I decided to take the less risky route. 

I watched as the pink girl Ashido raced against a flamboyant boy named Aoyama, who unleashed a great sparkling beam of light that didn't quite get him to the finish line. Ashido won, but just barely. Uraraka lost by a hair, but still seemed satisfied with her time. 

I was next up, and to my great annoyance I met my opponent on the starting line, it was the peppermint haired boy from earlier. I briefly debated with myself on whether or not I should 'eliminate my opponent' in order to win this, but I decided it wouldn't be worth the effort, since I'd be able to beat him. I pushed as much energy in my body as I could handle, having it settle down into my legs. They grew a bright yellow as the bell sounded, signalling the start. I took off in a flash. I was ahead of him, but just barely. I pushed on as hard as I could and crossed the finish line half a second before he did. 

I smirked at him, but he wasn't looking at me. He seemed unbothered, which just made me more angry. I stayed to watch the match between Katsuki and Izuku before going on to the next event. Midoriya didn't stand a chance against my cousin, but I was glad it didn't end in violence.

The next few tests were inside, so I gathered as much energy as I could before heading into the gym. I went over to Midoriya, "I don't know what's going on with you, or how you suddenly have a quirk, but I do know that you have a lot of power Izu-chan, I saw it in the entrance exams." He looked down at me. We were basically the same height, much to my dismay I was pretty short, but I've been told I make up for it in personality. 

"I... don't have any control over it. You have perfect control, I wish I had half your talent."

I smiled at that and clapped him on the shoulder, "flattery won't work on me you moron," but the blush and big grin spreading across my face gave me away. "I was serious when I said I could help you practice, I didn't always have the control I have now."

He nodded, "thank you, but I fear I'm about to be expelled."

I rolled my eyes, "always such a worry-wart. I think you'll be fine. Now come  on! No time to waste."

I pull him towards the grip strength test. I pooled some of my stored energy into my fist and squeezed the machine as hard as I could. The machine beeped, and I saw a respectable 202 kilograms, I hid my machine from Izuku as I saw his beep at 56. I heard a black haired boy with tape dispensers protruding from his arms exclaim, "wow! You hit 540 Kilograms?!" And pulled Izuku away before he started stressing out. 

The next test was standing long jump, which was thankfully outside, I was going to attempt to fly for this test. I stood at the edge of the pit before giving a hefty jump. I emitted some solar energy slowly from the palms of my hands and soles of my feet, trying to control it as best I could so that I was emitting enough to carry my weight while not blowing through it all at once. I passed the recording device shakily, and was having a hard time staying in a straight line. This was one skill I really wanted to work on, I figured there was some way where I would be able to draw on light outside of my body, and thus have an unlimited supply. Or maybe even make wings. 

I was beginning to wear out, and knew that I wouldn't have the best score for the next test: side stepping. Still, I mustered as much energy I could to my feat and started side stepping as quickly as I could. A grape-haired boy was going before me (I mean he literally had giant purple balls for hair), and he seemed adorable. 

When he finally finished, he walked over towards me, "like what you see?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. 


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