He snapped.

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Meantion of Suicidal thoughts+a little self harm??
Death and sorta graphic violence?

Sleepybois Inc. AU!
Oh and Wilburs not dead!
Things are set like they are in minecraft like they have 3 lives (Everyone But Schlatt techno and dream are on 2 lives Techno and dream are on 3 and Schlatts on 1)and that's it-But they do Respawn they still have chests and Phil has wings and things like that-But it's a human AU as in you can get hurt and they are real people-

The sleepy bois live in a small house near a large forest that leads into a small village called Manburg that they had been banished from because of Techno.
(This is just background)

This hasn't been spell cheeked or even re-read but hope you enjoy :)

I'm sick and tired of this bull crap.
Everyone I trust just turns away from me,

They leave me,

They hurt me,

It's their fault I'm like this...

I walk out my house with nothing to protect me,No weapons,No armour yet I did have a small bags of bits I could use if I stayed out a little too late.I hear my brother calling after me but I know he doesn't care,he probably will betray me too,Like everyone else did.I just need to be alone.

I walk closer and closer to the forest,My comfort zone,as my thoughts scatter everywhere in my head,Then from the mist of all the weird thoughts I hear a voice,Or should I say...Voices?

Burn it all to the ground,Every last tree~

See how many burns you gain from doing it all!

Everyone already hates you so why not make them hate you more!

Tommy,Let's be the bad guys...

Everything made sense now.
Im the reason everyone left and betrayed me! Tubbo probably thought I was annoying and left me, I know Techno thinks I only know him as 'The blade' and nothing more so he left me, Wilbur might think I'm too clingy and depressing to be around so he left me,  Da-Phil probably thinks of me as a disappointment and left me...Everyone I ever cared about had left me.Quackity and fundy watched me get Exiled and done nothing. Dream is a evil manipulator,Sapnap and George hate me, Their is no one to turn too.

So i listened.

As I reached the forest I looked in my bags to see if I had them on me,And I did. A box of matches.I lit one of the matches and threw it at one of the trees,I silently hummed to myself as the whole tree started burning.I carefully took another match and lit it and threw it on the ground setting the grass on fire,I was a bit sad when I realised that the stone path wouldn't light but that sadness soon disappeared as I saw six trees already full of flames.I set more matches and through them on the trees,I carefully start walking through the forest,Setting it all on fire.

By the time the fire had covered most of the forest I see a village and a couple of people in the distance.

Manburg citizens! This is great!
Tommy set their houses on fire! It's dark out so most people will be sleeping!
Kill them all toms.Do it.

~Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it~

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