Big brother wilbur.

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Philza is old
Schlatt is old
Techno is 12yrs Twin to Wil
Wilbur is 12yrs Twin to Techno
Tommy is 1yrs
Tubbo is 2yrs
Dad!schlatt AU
Sbi dynamic

Tw-Basically child neglect
Depressing thoughts
Alivent thoughts.
If I missed something please tell me-
I recommend listening to the song when Wilbur starts singing.

Philza was never around.He was always with his favourite child,Techno.This lead to Wilbur having to take care of his 3 yr old brother Tommy.

Phil and Techno leave the house at around 6 every morning,Coming back at around 10 every night.This means everything is put on Wilbur.

Wilburs POV
7:42am I get woken by tommy again,Quickly making my way to his room I go to pick him up to calm him a bit.He soon calms and cuddles up to Wilbur.After Wil makes his way downstairs and straight to the kitchen to feed his little brother,He sets Tommy on the side while he makes some oats for the child.While he did he gave Toms a disk to play with so he wouldn't fall of the side;after completing his task of making food he sits tommy on his lap and starts feeding him.

A few spits at him later,Wilbur finished feeding Tommy and is now on a mission to get them both changed.He got tommy ready first,Putting him in a red and white baseball T-shirt and some cargo shorts with some white socks and some small trainers.

He soon leaves tommy with his toys to entertain him,And goes to his room putting on a pastel yellow jumper with some ripped black jeans and converse.Once finished he makes his way to tommy again.He picks the baby up and makes his way downstairs and packs a small bag of things needed for tommy,some snacks,a water bottle and a bottle of Chocky milk for Toms.He then walks out the front door with tommy in his arms.

Wilbur ended up at the park sitting under a tree feeding his brother his choco milk,looking out at the children playing in the playground.He thinks back at the time when Phil shared his time with both him and Techno and not just Techno.He remembered the times he got to spend with his Brother and father,Watching films,Sparing,Playing instruments together! But when Techno asked to train with Phil everything went to shit.

He got slipped back into reality by a familiar voice.Schlatt.Schlatt was one of Phils friends and would usually come round with tubbo (his son) when Phil would go train on the weekend Before Tommy was born.

(Schlatt text ) (Wilbur text)

"Aye yo,You good Wil? Your crying"
I wipe my tears and putting Tommy's now empty bottle in the small bag.
"Ya I'm okay! I must of got something in my eye.Sorry."
I heard Tommy squeal,Soon to release Tubbo was in Schlatts arms.He put Tubbo down and I did the same with tommy,Schlatt then sat next to me and we silently watched tommy and tubbo interact.
"Soooo,What ya doing out here kid? Your like what 10? Where's your dad?"
"Tommy was getting annoyed with being inside so I brought him out,No I'm 12 and dad is training with Techno,been out since six comes home at ten,Has been for a year now.
"Kid that's 17 hours a day! Do they do this everyday?!? And isn't tommy a year old?!? Who has their 12Yr old look after a one yr old with no brakes?!?"
"I get to be by myself when Tommy's asleep... but sometimes dad does forget to buy food, he usually does it online but when he forgets I have to go out and buy it.Thats why I make YouTube videos! To get income!"
"Kid...Why don't you go to the park for an hour...I look after tommy and tubs for you."
"are you sure?"
He nods and gives me a sympathetic smile. I smile back and head off to the park.

I sit on the swing set not really knowing what to do until a girl came up to me.

"Hello! I'm Niki! I saw you by yourself are you alright?"
"Oh! Ya I'm fine just...Haven't been to the park in long time."
"Oh no! Well I have some friends over by the willow tree over there! We're roleplaying! Would you like to come and play with us?
"Ummm sure..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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