Chapter 2: Why So Shy?*

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You were sure your body was going to fall over and disintegrate at any moment.

After Aizawa came back from his mission, life seemingly went back to normal. No one addressed the movie night that took place, everyone keeping their mouths shut about what was said and the drinks that were passed around that night.

Well, almost everyone.

Whether because they were mad at you or saw it as a fit punishment for flaking out on training sessions, Kirishima and Bakugou had made your life after class a living hell the past two weeks. You weren't even allowed breaks in between sparring and you had stopped asking for them after a while. You knew why they kept pushing you around and you took it with a grain of salt. After all, it was the least you could do after lying to them about your rendezvous.

This Saturday had been no different for you. You all headed over to Gym Gamma right after class, gaining a glare from Cementoss, before you began the inevitable spar. You fight each man one on one before they eventually joined forces against you, crippling you almost instantaneously. It was late into the evening when they finally stopped their assault on you, thin layer of dust and sweat covering all of your bodies.

As Kirishima stomped over to give you a hand up from the ground, Bakugou used this as an opportunity to remind you of your failure. "At this point you should be able to take us both down but, because of your little meet ups, you're behind. Fix it."

You groaned as Kirishima pulled at your arm, feeling a bruise already beginning to form all over. You thanked him for his help, patting down your exhausted form in an effort to look somewhat presentable before you glared over at Bakugou. "Look, I get it already! I should've been here with you guys training than out and about eating pastry's with some mediocre guy from the Business Course. I apologize for having a life outside of you two. There! Is that what you want to hear?"

While Kirishima had the decency to look a bit ashamed of his aggressive nature towards you, Bakugous narrowed eyes stayed locked on your form before he let out a small "Tch". He walked towards the doors before turning back around to address you. "Go get showered and meet me and shitty-hair in the dorms common room, alright?"

Bakugou didn't wait for a reply and continued to walk out, leaving you confused. You turned over to Kirishima, a sheepish smile overtaking his features as you both made your way out of the gym. You let the distance between you and Bakugou remain, trying to engage in a conversation with the man next to you instead as you made your way to the dorms.

"Why the hell does he want us all to meet in the common room? You guys have been avoiding me for a while now so why the sudden change of heart?" Although you tried to remain passive with both of them for the duration of your training, you couldn't keep the sarcasm out of your voice as you addressed Kirishima. They were working you to the bone and, quite frankly, you were tired of having to walk over to Recovery Girls office in the morning before class.

He said nothing as he looked at you and just shrugged, keeping quiet as you both walked. There was a glint in Kirishimas eyes that didn't quite match his 'I have no idea' attitude which unnerved you just a bit. What were they hiding? Were they planning on kicking you out of their little group? Just how upset were they with you?

The stairs that lead up to the dorm doors came into view, signaling the arriving end of the short walk you just went on. All worries of Bakugous demand went away when the thought of a hot shower entered your mind, being able to relax a bit. Thank god you had Sunday off from your internship, as you would be able to sleep in.

Stepping into the dorm, you came face to face with a couple of your other classmates. You said a quick hello as you slipped on your house slippers, before racing to the elevator to head up to your floor. Kirishima and Bakugou stayed behind in the first floor, opting to use the communal showers there rather than head up to their rooms.

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