Chapter 1: Embarrassing Confessions

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You weren't a big fan of party games.

It's not that there was anything wrong with them, you just didn't like the awkward silence that settled after stupid dares or kisses that would often take place during these games. If you could, you would avoid them altogether and face plant into the nearest source of food possible.

Tonight, however, you wouldn't be able to face plant into the snacks set out before you.

Whether you wanted too or not, Mina had made it very clear that everyone would be participating in her little game. She had even managed to wrangle the more cryptic students like Shouji and Ojiro into playing as well. So that meant that if you denied or tried to back out, you'd be the odd one out and more attention would be called to you. Although you wanted to choke Mina out, you had to hand it to her, she had the high ground in this whole affair.

Sighing lightly to yourself, you adjust yourself on the sofa you were currently sitting on. To the left of you sat Shoji and to the right of you sat Iida, both burly guys who provided some nice warmth, so you couldn't really complain about your seating arrangement.

You normally would have sat beside Kirishima and Bakugou, seeing as you all had become close friends over the years due to tiresome training sessions, but you opted to stay in your place on the couch. You were too comfortable to move and you didn't want to disturb those seated around you.

The ones left standing either filled the rest of the cushions or brought chairs from the communal dining room, sitting around in a crooked circle. Everyone eventually settled and Mina once again took charge of the event.

"Ok some ground rules!" She cheered, looking pointedly at everyone as she spoke. "Rule number one: Don't target anyone! While there are no restrictions on what we can talk about, don't purposefully say something that you know will make others lose. This is supposed to be spontaneous, so don't make it boring by taking the fun away.

'Rule number two: Everyone must respond to anything stated, even if it is embarrassing. This takes the fun away too. Everyone is here to participate and if people aren't playing fair, I'm not above using my quirk to make you compliant!" Her golden eyes narrowed a bit in Bakugous direction and he glowered at her, daring her to say something else his way.

She shrugged before continuing, "And rule number three: You must take a shot for every finger that you put down!" At this, Denki stepped up from behind her, holding a tall bottle of alcohol as well as some shot glasses. He placed all twenty-one of them in the table, filling them up before placing them in front of each student.

Mina continued, "Denki here will be in charge of refilling your glasses after every drink you have. We'll make sure the alcohol keeps coming, so don't fret over an empty cup!" She clapped her hands excitedly.

A hand shot up in the air. "Why more alcohol? I ignored it earlier but I worry for the safety and sobriety of my friends." Iidas voice rang out from beside you, and you silently agreed. Playing party games was one thing but, getting drunk while playing said party games?

Probably wasn't a good idea.

"Don't worry about it Iida! I'll make sure not to give too much drinks, seeing as we have class tomorrow anyways." Denkis words should have been calming, but everyone doubted he would keep an eye on drinks. Silently, everyone agreed to be wary of their own alcohol intake and promptly ignored the electric blondes efforts at reassurance.

"That aside let's begin! Does anyone want to go first?" At the silence enveloping the class, Mina sighed, holding up her ten fingers for all to see. "Geez guys, I can just feel the enthusiasm oozing from your pores. If no one wants to go then I'll do the honors! Ten fingers up everyone!"

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