Chapter 6: The Second Task

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The day after the Yule ball, Hogwarts had gone back to normal. Classes resumed and everyone's minds returned to the subject of the upcoming second task, except for Madison. All Madison could think about was Ron and what had happened between them the night before.

The two of them had danced together all the way up until Midnight. They would've danced together longer if Mcgonagall and the other staff hadn't dismissed all the students to bed right at the end of the dance. When Ron and Madison had pulled away from each other at the end of the dance, it was as if they'd been broken out of a trance. Ron went from being comfortable around her to awkward and slightly nervous. He had said goodnight to her quickly before exiting the great hall in a hurry, leaving Madison standing alone on the dance floor. She wanted to run after him. She wanted to confess every feeling she'd had for him for the last four years, but her feet felt glued to the ground.

The events of the day prior led up to where she was now, standing in the abandoned women's bathroom on the second floor. She was supposed to be attending her third-period potions class with snape but decided she'd rather miss that class than have to deal with his angry attitude on a day where she was already so full of emotion.

The sound of a shrill giggle echoing through the lavatory broke Madison from her thoughts, turning to meet the transparent form of Moaning Myrtle. The spirit of the once-living Ravenclaw student wore an expression of annoyance, her arms crossed and her head cocked to the side as if she was studying Madison.

"You don't look sick and you're definitely not dead, so why in the world would you skip a class where you'd get the chance to see the one and only Harry Potter?" Myrtle asked, her pale grey cheeks turning a deeper grey to indicate a blush at the thought of Harry.

"I've told you Myrtle, He's not the one I'm after. He's all yours" Madison Replied, earning a sharp scoff from Myrtle.

"Well, with how I hear these tournaments are going, I'd say he will be sharing my cubicle with me before the week is up!" She announced excitedly, flying up into the air and sitting atop the stained glass window.  Madison sighed, feeling as if,(although not entirely true), that even a ghost was having better luck with her love life than she was.

Myrtle's mind had gone off into her own world, almost as if she'd already forgotten Madison was there. The bathroom was filled with her high-pitched humming, the ringing of her ghostly voice making it almost impossible to hear anything else. It wasn't until a third knock on the wooden bathroom door came that Madison actually heard it. Madison pushed off against the sink, rushing over to the door and unlocking it. To her surprise, the certain redhead she'd been avoiding stood at the door with a shocked expression.

"You weren't in class" Ron started, stepping aside to allow Madison to leave the bathroom, the sound of Myrtle's humming being quieted by the closing of the door.  "I just wanted to make sure you were ok" Madison couldn't help but feel guilty for making him worry, an apologetic look spreading on her features. The two began walking together down the empty corridor, Ron's eyes staying on her as he awaited an explanation.

"I'm sorry I was just- I didn't realize what time it was" Madison lied, not daring to tell him the truth. She felt that whatever had happened the night before was simply the effect of the dance and that there was no possible way that Ron could reciprocate what she was feeling. She thought If He didn't say anything about it that night, why would he now?

Madison was a horrible liar, something that even an extremely oblivious Ron knew. He raised a brow at her, stopping in his tracks to look at her. "Are you sure everything is ok? You're never late" He asked, not wanting to flat out accuse her of lying.

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