Chapter 8: The Third Task

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[ So little update the ... is my new section marker so like when time skips its the dots now instead of the underscores.]


The stadium was bursting with excitement, the entire school filling up the seats. The crowd was cheering loudly, the Hogwarts march playing through the stands as Professor Flitwick conducted. Flags and Banners of various colors were waved by students, joyfully anticipating the start of the third task. The last of the audience filed into the arena, Madison, Ron, and Hermione included. They joined Neville and the twins who had already been seated, Madison sitting in between Neville and Ron. 

"Do you think he's nervous?" Ron whispered, looking down at his girlfriend nervously. This was the first time Madison had seen Ron actually worried about the tasks. Perhaps it had finally hit him just how dangerous the events were. "I'm sure he is, but those nerves are what will keep him alive. If he is afraid then he will pay more attention to his surroundings. It'll keep him mindful." she replied, Ron, nodding in response. He kept his eyes on the maze below them, swallowing thickly. Madison reached for his hand, interlocking their fingers in an attempt to comfort him. 

The volume of the crowd grew louder as Amos Diggory and Cedric came into view. Madison, although hoping Harry would win, cheered for her fellow Hufflepuff along with the rest of his supporters. Fleur Delacour and Madam Maxam were the next to enter the arena, followed by Viktor Krum and Igor Karkaroff. The Beuxbatons students and the Bulgarians cheered for their champions, waving their flags and banners high. The last to walk out onto the grounds was Professor Dumbledore and Harry. Madison, Ron, Hermione, George, Fred, Neville, Dean, and Seamus all stood up instantly, calling out his name and cheering him on. Harry turned to meet their praise, only cocking a half-smile in their direction. 

Even with the strong sense of excitement and joy in the arena, the obvious discomfort, and terror Harry was experiencing radiated off of him. The obvious expression of horror on his face sent a chill through each of his friends.

Dumbledore approached the podium, bringing his wand to his throat and silencing the crowd. All in attendance took a seat, eager to hear what he had to say.

 "Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter tied for the first position they will be the first to enter the maze." 

Cheers erupted from the crowd as two of the champion's names were said. Amos lifted his son's hand into the air proudly, earning more screams of excitement from the audience. Harry, who was now standing alone due to Dumbledore being at the podium, stood awkwardly in front of the tall hedge behind him. Madison stood up quickly, screaming Harry's name and clapping. She was soon followed by the others around her, earning a genuine look of pride from Harry. Madison hoped that their support would be enough to give him the courage he desperately needed. 

"Followed By Mr. Krum and Ms. Delacour." Dumbledore finished, now being able to get a word in as the cheering died down. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner" Overzealous cheers filled the stadium once more, dumbledore's voice soon lost in the sound of the crowd. 

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants gather round." The now silent arena watched as the four champions gathered around Dumbledore. Madison couldn't tell if he was giving them a pep talk or simply warning them of what was to come. By the look on Harry's face when he joined Mad eye Moody by the entrance, Madison assumed it was the latter. 

"Champions! Prepare yourselves On the count of three... ONE..." The starting Canon boomed early to the obvious annoyance of Dumbledore. The crowd clapped and screamed as the final task begun. Cedric and Harry entered the maze, Harry turning around one last time to take a look at his friends in the crowd before the hedge entrance grew closed. 

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