Chapter Three

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Robert's pov
I could feel the panic building up inside of me. The apartment was going to collapse any moment now and Andy was still inside. Warren and Bishop had gone to help the patient, but I stayed near the door, waiting for Andy. Suddenly, I regretted how I'd been acting the past month. I wish that I'd been nicer, made friends, even if it was just with Andy and not the others. But now, I may never get that chance. "HERRERA!" I shouted, silently begging her to respond.
As she stuck her hand around the door, a wave of relief rushed over me. I grabbed hold of her, pulling her into the hallway, both of us falling backwards in the process. Not even a second later, we heard the crash of the apartment collapsing. It was a good job Andy had gotten out of there when she did.
We laid there side by side, catching our breath, and I risked a glance in her direction. At that moment, when my eyes met hers, I was sure of one thing. I was falling in love with Andy Herrera. But I knew I couldn't act on my feelings. If I did, I would only lose her one way or another. Plus, there's no way she feels the same way about me. And I'm her captain.
I heard Warren clearing his throat behind us and that's when I realised I was still holding Andy's hand in mine. Reluctantly, I let go and stood up, helping her up as well.
When Warren and Bishop started walking out with the patient, I noticed Andy standing to the side, her back to us.
"You coming?" I asked, but she made no attempt to follow.
"She would've died. If I had been making the call, I would've waited, and she would've died," she whispered, and I could hear the sadness and regret in her voice. I didn't know what to say that would make her feel better, so instead, I just put my hand on her shoulder, and led her down the hallway.
"You saved her life today. That was you. You may not have agreed with the decision to send you in there, but you went in anyway, and you saved her," I whispered to Andy as we walked out of the apartment block, and she smiled at me gratefully.
*back at the station*
I was just finishing some paperwork before the end of shift when the office door burst open. I looked up to see Andy, who seemed like she was trying to decide whether or not she should just turn around and leave again. "Come in?" I joked, but she didn't laugh.
"I can't do this anymore," she sighed, and I looked at her confused. What was she talking about?
"You can't do what anymore?" I asked.
"I can't hide this. I can't pretend that I don't feel something towards you, because I do. And I might not know exactly what it is that I'm feeling, but it's something. And I can't pretend it's not," she said, all in one breath. "Oh my god, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said anything." She was about to turn around and leave when I stopped her. "Andy wait," I called out, and she spun around to face me. I got up out of my chair and walked over, not stopping until I was right in front of her. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I grabbed both of her hands in mine and looked her in the eye. "Don't be sorry. I feel it too, and I don't want to hide it. I'm sorry I've been such a jerk, but I've been alone for so long, I was scared if I let anyone in, something bad would happen," I explained, opening up to her. She cupped my face with her hand, rubbing her thumb across my cheek.
I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't stop myself. I leaned forwards, pressing my lips to hers. As soon as Andy started kissing me back, we stumbled backwards, heading towards the captains bunk.
*skip to the morning*
I woke up, and instantly started smiling. Andy was laid on my chest, fast asleep. As much as I wanted to just stay here and watch her sleep, I knew that we had to get up before the rest of the team got here. Gently, I started to trace circles on her bare arm, which eventually started to wake her up. "Good morning," I whispered when her eyes fluttered open.
"Mmm yes it is a good morning, I like waking up like this," Andy said sleepily and I chuckled slightly, before agreeing with her.
"Do I have time to take a shower before the team get here?" she asked me a few minutes later, and I leaned over to check the time.
"You should do if you're quick, but I won't be able to join you, I've got some paperwork to catch up on," I said.
I was sat at my desk when I heard a knock at the door. Knowing Andy was still in the shower that was in my bunk, I kept quiet, hoping whoever was there would just leave. But that didn't happen. Instead, they just walked in. It was the worst possible person that could come in at this moment, Pruitt Herrera.
"Sir can I help you?" I asked.
"Yes I left some files in one of the drawers, I was just popping by to pick them up," he said, and I passed them to him, knowing which ones he was talking about. I was hoping that he would go now, but he decided to start another conversation.
"So how has your first month as captain been going Sullivan?" Pruitt asked.
"Good thank you sir. The team is amazing," I answered, and he nodded in agreement. He was about to say something else when Andy shouted something from the shower.
"Robert can you get me a towel please!" She shouted, and Pruitt's head shot up at hearing his daughters voice.
"I- um," I stuttered, not knowing what to say.
"Well it looks like you have company, so I'm going to go now," Pruitt snapped, and I could tell he was angry.
"Pruitt wait!" I called after him, but he just ignored me. I sighed, before standing up to get Andy a towel. I walked in and wrapped both the towel and my arms around her.
"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing my change of mood.
"Your dad just popped by to pick up some files, and, um... he heard you," I told her.
"No no no no no, this is bad, this is so so bad," Andy started panicking. She was pacing around the room, muttering under her breath, and I could tell if that if she didn't calm down soon, she was going to have a panic attack.
"Andy, look at me. Good, now breathe. We'll figure this out together, whatever your dad says or does, we will get through it, together. I promise," I said, comforting her. When she had calmed down, Andy came and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Thank you," she whispered, and I knew instantly what she meant. Instead of replying, I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to my bunk. I laid down, and Andy rested her head on my chest. I put my arm around her, rubbing her shoulder gently with my thumb.
We just laid there in silence for a while, until we really had to get going. Andy stood up, got changed, and then went up to the beanery where the rest of the team was. I waited about ten minutes before heading up myself.
I was just planning on grabbing a coffee, so I went over to the coffee machine and grabbed a mug. "Hey captain, do you want to join us for breakfast?" Andy asked, giving me cute puppy dog eyes. How could I say no?
"Um, I guess just this once," I answered awkwardly, and Andy smiled. I sat down next to her, because once again, it was the only empty seat. Luckily, I managed to get through breakfast with the team without too many awkward moments, and then it was back to paperwork and calls.

A/n: I hope y'all like this fanfic so far! Quite a lot happened in this chapter, with the apartment collapse, Andy and Robert getting together, Pruitt finding out about them! I'm hoping to get the next chapter up in the next couple of days, and maybe another chapter for my other two ongoing fanfics! <3

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