Chapter Eight

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Vic's pov
"She's got a pulse!" I heard Sullivan shouting as I ran back over with the backboard. Breathing a sigh of relief, I put it down on the floor next to Andy.
"On three. One, two, three," I said, as we slid her onto the backboard.
Not wanting to waste another second, we picked it up, and started to hurry towards the exit. The visibility was even lower now than it was when we came in, and I could feel the heat radiating off of the flames, even through my turnouts.
We ran out of the building, thankfully just in time. Only a few seconds later, there was another explosion, one strong enough to nearly knock us off our feet.
After catching out balance, we headed to the front of the building, and the entire team ran over as soon as they saw Andy laying on the backboard.
"We need to get her to Grey Sloan now," Robert shouted, as we loaded her into the back of the aid car.
Travis and Ben had been assigned to aid car this shift, so Ben got into the drivers seat ready to go, and Travis got in the back with Andy.
"I'll go with her," I said, putting a hand out to stop Sullivan as he was about to get in. I knew how much he didn't want to leave Andy's side, how much he needed to know that she's okay, but the captain is supposed to stay on scene until the fires out, or until another station gets there to take over.
As much as I could tell he didn't want to, Sullivan nodded his head and reluctantly went back to giving out orders.
I hopped into the back of the aid car, and Ben started to drive. Wanting to help in anyway I could, I passed gauze to Travis as he held pressure on the wound on Andy's stomach.
When we got to the hospital, she was rushed inside, doctors swarming around her to try and help.

Travis, Ben and I sat in the waiting room, waiting for one of the doctors to come and give us an update.
A few minutes later, we heard the sound of the engines pulling up outside, and then the team came running in, Sullivan a few steps ahead of everyone else.
"Where is she? Is she okay?" He asked, clearly not caring if it was obvious that he was asking as something more than a captain.
"We don't know anything yet, we're just waiting for an update," I told him.
Running a hand over his head, Sullivan started to pace back and forth, as the rest of the team took a seat near Travis and Ben.

Just less than an hour later, Dr Grey walked over to us, pulling her surgical mask off as she did.
"Is she okay?" I asked, seeing as I was stood nearest to the door.
"I can't tell you the details, I'm sorry, that's only for her emergency contact and immediate family to know for the time being, but I can tell you that she made it through surgery," Dr Grey explained.
By now, the rest of the team was stood around us, including Sullivan.
"Who is her emergency contact?" Dean asked. Even before she answered, I was pretty sure I knew who it was. This was going to be awkward.
Taking a deep breath, Dr Grey glanced over at Sullivan for a split second before replying. "Robert Sullivan."

I made eye contact with Maya, and then looked to see the rest of the teams reactions. Sure enough, they all looked confused, shocked, and they were all staring at Sullivan.
"Sullivan? Why the hell is Sullivan her emergency contact?" Jack asked, either forgetting or not caring that he was stood right in front of him.
Ignoring the team, Sullivan turned to Dr Grey.
"Can I see her please?" he asked, and she nodded, leading him out of the waiting room and down a corridor.

"What just happened?" Travis muttered under his breath.

A/n: sorry I didn't update for so long, I just haven't had the motivation to write. but I will try to update more now, with my other fanfics too. also, sorry this chapters so short, I just wanted to update :)

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