CHAPTER-8:Unexpected Change Of Events

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William POV:

I am taking her  out in the restaurant  for our date.  It's a dinner date. I am on my way to  pick her from her fried house Mia. They  have become friends recently but their bond is somewhat like that of sisters.

She is wearing a black slip dress pair it with red lipstick and black wedges. I can't even  form words to express her how beautiful  she  looks tonight. I am lost in staring her.

I came out of my reverie  when she says , if it is not good enough, Mia forced me to wear it. I should go and change it. I said No! your are looking gorgeous. It's best for our date. She blushes at this and said Thanks you!

Then i take her hand and starts moving towards the car and open the passenger seat for her like a perfect gentleman.
After that I  moves towards driver seat of car and once everything was settled. I starts driving the car.

Upon reaching  on the restraunt, we order the dishes and are waiting for our order. In the meantime we are making the small talk, when some middle aged man interrupts  our date.He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt looking like a businessman.

He says "Sorry, for interrupting, I am Morris Anderson and I want to talk to you, can you spare a minute" questioning me. His eyes are combination of  both tears and happiness.  It seems like he is too happy to meet me.

Morris Anderson  POV:

I came to New York next day afer confirmation that he is my long lost child. But due to some problems in my business I  was too swarmed that I even didn't  get a chance to meet my son.

Today, after solving every  problems I went to meet him even not thinking about his date with some girl and the time. His whereabouts were found out by my secretary.

I was too excited to meet him. Currently,  i am standing at the restaurant seeing my son first time after his birth.

William POV:

I stand up from my seat and said no problem. At that moment he hugs me. I am too shocked at his suddenly hugging me. I am feeling affectionate towards him god knows for what reason, so i hug him back.

After hugging me he says you are too handdsome. Your eyes exactly looks like your mother.

I said  Excuse me, i I don't  know what you are talking about as my eyes doesn't look like my mother.

At this he says that oh! that woman is not your mother, she is your kidnapper. I am your real dad and your real mom is waiting in Itlay for your arrival.

At this I reply him "you are saying bullshit." How can be my mother be a  kidnapper  when she is such a kind hearted woman.

At this he presents facts in front of me that is DNA test which states that I am their child. I am too shock at this new piece of information  of my life. I am feeling like i cannot breath properly. I can't understand why  my so called mother will so a thing like this. I can't believe it is true but the DNA test is enough to prove whatever this man is saying is truth.

Isabella comes towards me and hugs me and said everything will be okay. This hug is comforting me, how i don't  know maybe i don't know how important she is to me till this moment. I love her that's why this small gesture can calm me down. After I don't  know  how much time breaking the hug, i said to her you should go home I want to talk to him alone. She is not eager to leave my side but I assured her I am fine and if anything happens I will call her.

That man is standing quietly. At this moment waiter comes with our order and put it on our table. I told Morris to sit here while I fetch the cab for Isabella and wait for me.

I take Isabella out with me and after she seats in cab i said call me when you reach home. She is staying at her friend house today.

I don't know what to feel now. I can't even imagine  that the woman whom i thought is my mother is not my mom in reality but in reality she is my kidnapper, and if the person whom i call dad is involved in this kidnapping. My mind is full of questions and I want answers for them and only man who can answer is person none other than my actual dad.

I return inside the restraunt and sit beside him. I told him to tell me everything without missing anything. He is happy and sad both.

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