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William POV:

Morris or should I say dad is telling me about the day of kidnapping or of the day I born. He said that they are too happy that their first born baby was me. Everybody was happy. Everything was perfect. Nurse took me from them for check up and that leads to change of events. I was kidnapped when nurse left me in the place where all newborns were.

Morris Anderson POV:

I was telling my son about his kidnapping.


Everyone was happy at thr time of birth of my son William. We all were to happy to welcome the new member  to our family. When I first saw the my newborn son i felt like I was on cloud nine. My wife Tessa is too happy  to take him in her hands. Happiness  and tiredness can be clearly seen on her face. Everything  was perfect. There is nothing more for which i can ask for.

Nurse take him for us for the regular newborn checkup. After some time she came and said that my son was with every new born ward. She asked my wife to take rest and said that later she will bring William back.

After what seems like an hour my wife wake up and asked for our son from nurse. Nurse went to brought my son back. But what came was the pale face faced woman with another doctor alone and said they couldn't found my son.

At that moment everything changed. The elated atmosphere turned to sad one. My wife started crying. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly. It seems like there was nothing left in my life. But I have to be strong for my beautiful wife whom I loved more than anything  in my life.

I got angried and said how could they lost my son like that. What was the guard and everyone one was doing when my son was taken away by someone? How careless all you can be?

I tried to control my anger but I couldn't. My wife Tessa asked me to bring back our son. I promised her that I will bring him back at any cost.

I tried to control my anger and tried to think logical. I said to nurse and doctor that I want to check all the CCTV footage to which they obligesd  and said you all would regret if anything happened to my son. Next I called my private investigator to came here and and found out about your whereabouts. Then i called the police whom I knew.

From CCTV footage  it was found it was found that kidnapper was some lady Evelyn who lost her child. He was born dead. She couldn't  believed that his son was son dead, nurse told me.

My private investigator  told me she was gangster and nothing else can be found about her whereabout.

Everything which was possible to find William my son we tried but nothing can't be found about my little baby.
But I didn't lose hope and continued the search till it ends now when I finally found my baby.

Flashback ends

William POV:

I am too upset at this new discovery of my life. I don't  know what to do and how to feel like now. This person is telling my truth which is to hard to believe. What should I do now. Everything about my life is nothing but  a lie about which I can't  do  anything. I can't understand  why Evelyn would do anything like this. I know she love me like her son. But the fact she is nothing but my kidnapper makes me to feel like a hell.

The person in front of me is too happy to find his long lost son. From his face it seems like he is too happy and he can't  ask anything more for in his life.

He says my actual mom Tessa is waiting for me back at home in Itlay. He can't  wait to take me to her. He also says that I can take my time to accept this new fact about my life about which I have not even a tiniest bit of  idea.

It's  too late and we are leaving the restaurant . He takes me with him and drop me to my hostel as I refuse his offer to go with him as i need some time alone to accept this fact. He comes outside the car and hugs me again and give me his number and says call me after everything I am ready to talk about new truth of my life. I says goodbye to him but doesn't know what to refer  him. Seeing my confusion he says call me dad to which I obliged.

I enter my room and directly lay on my bed thinking about all this new phase of my life and doesn't know when sleep engulfs me.

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