CHAPTER-5: Friends

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Isabella POV:

After the incident, William didn't talk to me next day. Somehow I was relaxed and sad at this fact. That day went by and I knew he wouldn't say the word about it too anyone. On Friday means two day after incident I reached early in class and saw William was already there sitting alone in the class. I hesitate and then pull myself together and I moved towards him to talk. I knew I am going myself in lions den but I can't tolerate this silent treatment anymore. Now I thought it was better when he didn't know me but now he knew me so I can't handle this silence between us anymore as I somehow falls for him too badly . Fu*k the rules I don't care about them anymore.

I said hi to him and he replied it . Then I started to tell him how thankful I was that he didn't spill the beans to anyone. At this he smiled and said there is no need to say thanks , it's not a big deal. I watched him smile which was the best smile i had ever seen in my life. He was too handsome when he smiled.

Then he asked me the question why was I there when I didn't indulge in those activities . I started feeling tensed at this question he must have noticed that that's why he put his hand on mine which was resting on the table and gave me a reassuring smile that I can tell him. He watched me lost in my thoughts and then he might thought that I am not ready to share it. So, he said don't need to reply if I don't wanted to gave him one.

But I said I wanted to share it and then i checked what time it is and found that there was still half an hour left till lecture. So I sat next to him and started telling him story of my life. I don't knew from wher I gather this courage to tell this. I have never ever shared this story to anyone not even a single soul.

I watched his expression when I was telling everything especially when I told him that I was daughter of prostitute. His expression reassured me that I can tell him my story and he promised that he will never in his life would share this with anyone.

And I told him whole my life story that my mother is prostitue. I reside at brothel but I never indulge myself in that kind of work . Everyone loves me there and all of them wanted to focus on my studies. He took it well without judging me.

I don't knew that i would be this relaxed after sharing the story with him. He smiled at me and again reassured me that he will never tell about this to anyone.

Then he said that we both have told each other our depressing story to each other then we should be friends. As we had shared the worst part of our life to each other and no one else. I was too shocked that he wanted to be friends with me when everyone knew about my identity at high school they had made my life a living hell and he had shared how he felt about his break up too me and nobody else I felt too happy. I couldn't belive it was not a dream my life how it can be good.

Then after coming out of my thoughts I said friends. At this moment everyone started coming and in five minutes professor too came in the class and lecture started. I remained there where I was seating and William introduced me to his friend Nick and Hardin. They took it well and didn't said anything but hand shaked with me and said from now on they are my friends too.

One after another lecture went like this and I was too happy that we became friends. At the end of class we said byee too each other including his friend then he left with his friends and I went to home feeling like I am on cloud nine.

I shared this news to my mom and she was too happy about this and said that I can ask him out tommorow in party.I said to her that I would thought about it.And after that she left me alone in the room . Now I am alone in room lost in thoughts about him.😊

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