Chapter 2

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You walked inside the classroom, searching for a free desk.

When you sat down, you unpacked  some stuff when you saw a group of girls walking up to you.

You tried not to act weird as they stopped in front of you and looked you up and down.

"You must be the new girl." One of them said.

"Yeah my name is Y/N." You introduced yourself.

"Yeah , you want to hang out with us?." Another girl asked.

"Oh uhm-  I'm sorry I'm not the type of girl people want in their friend group." You shyly say when they started looking annoyed.

"Whatever weirdo!" They instantly said to you.

You started getting really uncomfortable when the teacher came in.

"Thank God..." You silently thought to yourself.

"So today I would like to introduce a new student. " The teacher beginned."why don't you come to the front to introduce yourself to the class."

You stand up and start to mumble:"Hey my name is L/N Y/N and I am 16 years old-"

"Talk up, what are you? A mouse?!" Someone interrupted you. You looked around to see that it was one of the girls from earlier.

You started getting more uncomfortable and even more silent.

The teacher saw that you were getting uncomfortable so he told you that you could sit down for now.

~~20-30 minutes later~~

When you were trying to do your math task, you feel someone tapping on your shoulder.

You look over to see a girl that looks confused.

"What's wrong?" You ask her.

"Hey, I kinda....didnt listen," she replied. "could you tell me what we are supposed to do right now?"

"Oh no problem, we have to do the tasks on page 81." You helped her out.

"Thank you so much! " She said happily. "Hey uhm... I saw that those girl were talking to you, are you alright?"

"Oh uh.. I guess I'm fine, I just felt really uncomfortable. i just hope they leave me alone from now on." You tell her a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, i hope so too, but if you want I will try and help you with them a bit." she offers you helpfully.

"That would be really nice of you! Thank you so much!" You thanked her gladly.

"Btw what's your name? As you might have heard my name is Y/N!" You asked friendly.

"Oh my name is Olivia! Nice to meet you Y/N" She Introduced herself kindly.

Hey, I'm sorry for not posting a new chapter for some time. Well I try to post as often as I can and it makes me calm down! :3
Btw I'm sorry if this story sounds cringe haha

Have a nice day Guys <3

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