Chapter ONE

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Andrei’s POV

I woke up with the alarm creating a loud noise as it could. Not wanting to get up, it took me some courage to send myself to the bathroom, taking a bath, shrouding as the water hit my skin. I brushed my teeth, wore pants and a white shirt and headed downstairs bringing my school uniform.

I am almost always alone in the house. My parents both have works and they tend to love their job, leaving their child alone.
I toasted some bread and fried an egg, sandwiching it to the bread. I took a quick bite before putting on my uniform and headed outside to my car, bringing the sandwich.

I threw my bag at the passenger seat and finished my sandwich before starting my car. The school is not that far from my house and I prefer driving than riding a bus or walking.

I was driving my car on full speed allowed when a person suddenly jaywalked. I hit my horn hard and break quickly as my reflexes told me to. I sighed from relief after seeing the person still standing but seemingly shaking. I opened my window and observed him. He is relatively tall but still shorter than me, he’s brown-skinned and wearing eyeglasses with messy hair.

“Are you okay?” I shouted. He looked at me as if he just realized what happened. He quickly picked up his books and ran after looking at his watch. My sight followed him before driving again my car.

I went outside of my car as soon as I parked it. Grabbing my bag from the seat, I headed myself towards the school building. As usual, most of the eyes are on me. I gave quick smiles, waves and fist bumps to people. I’m quite popular at school. I didn’t really like it that much. It feels like all my actions are being watched.

I’m a member of the basketball team. I was offered the captain position but I politely declined. Basketball is my hobby but I didn’t accept the offer since it would mean I have to practice more often and spend more time at the gym. Besides, I don’t want to make a career out of it. I went to my locker and my friends-all from the basketball team- are already waiting.

“What took you so long man!” said Clay-the current captain of the team.

“I had a little problem on the road.” Honestly answering the question. They looked at me waiting for a more elaborate answer.

“I almost hit a person with my car.” I told them. The thought of hitting someone made me a little worried.

“Is it a girl? Was she hot?” Said Tristan- a childhood friend and also member of the team. All he thinks about are girls.

“No. A-anyway, why are you here?” quickly changing the topic. I opened my locker and a handful of envelopes started to drop. My friends helped me pick them up. Bryan and Tristan looked at some of the papers which probably contains numbers, a location to meet up or a confession but Clay put back the envelopes that he picked up.

“We we’re waiting for this.” Said Bryan-another member of the team. I should’ve known. These guys are just living for the girls, maybe except Clay since he put back what he picked up. He’s more of a serious type.

“Since you’re not really interested with these letters, we wanted to take this chance. Since most of them are either hot or cute. Some of these are even from nerds.” Said Tristan grinning. I started to receive this letters last school year after the championship. It’s absurd how they think of me as someone special just because I luckily shot a ball at the end.

“Man, if I was the one who scored that game-deciding shot, I would have received these letters.” Said Bryan seeming a little jealous.

“No, because we would have lost since you’re terrible at three-point shots.” Said Clay teasingly. The other two laughed. It was slightly rude but it was kinda true.

“Anyway, the class is about to start, why don’t you all try to actually pay attention to class, not just attend it? That’s why there’s this stereotype that athletes are stupid.” I told them while starting to walk away from them.

“Nah, man. We couldn’t be like you even if we tried to. Hahaha.” Tristan shouted before I saw them dispersing.

I’m not smart or anything but I have decent grades because I made sure I complete all the things needed to be done.

As I entered the classroom, I was almost sure that the noise was deafening.  Most of these students didn’t see each other for a while, surely they have a lot to talk about, especially the girls. The girls waved their hands at me. I gave them a quick smile. I sat down to the end seat in the last column chair near the window leaning back and closing my eyes.
A few minutes later, the noise in the room slowly lessened, I opened my eyes and saw the teacher coming in.

“Good morning, class.” Miss Torrejas, English teacher, while organizing her things at the table.

“Good morning, Ma’am.” Some of my classmates responded.

“We we’re actually expecting a transferee but he’s not here so maybe we’ll start the class already. I’ll just introduce you the topic outline for this semester today.” Miss Torrejas.

She started writing on the board. I was writing when I glanced at the window. I saw a student running. Who runs nowadays just because they’re late? It’s the first day of school, he’s brave being late. I’ll give him that. He might be freshman. I turned away and started writing again.

A few seconds later, everyone was startled because of the loud sound of the door being opened.

Everyone looked at the door.

“Sorry, I-im late” His head bowed down and still catching his breath. He must be the student running earlier. I thought he was a freshman?.

“You must be the transferee. It’s okay, come here in front and introduce yourself.” Miss Torrejas gestured him to go to the center.
Still with his head bowed down. He started to introduce himself.

“Hi! My name Is Mark Louise Reyes, 18 years old. Nice to meet you all.” After introducing, he started to raise his head and gave a little smile. It was also him. The person I encountered at the road earlier.

No one really paid attention to him. He started to walk towards the last column. Miss Torrejas writing back on the board. Someone stretched a leg causing the boy to stumble.

Everyone laughed at the sight they witnessed. He quickly picked up the things he was holding. Miss Torrejas not witnessing what really happened maybe assumed it was an accident, decided to ignore it. I wanted to help him but he was done picking up his things before I could stand up.

He seated at the only available chair which was beside me. The seat was available because the usual owner of that seat transferred school and the others didn’t knew it. I looked at him. I pitied him because I know he will be the prey for bullying this entire school year. I glanced at him a few times. I would look away every time he looked at my direction. I wondered if he recognized me too. He may be at fault at the road earlier but I’m starting to feel bad knowing that this would be a hell year for him.

AN: One Chapter Down. 😍😍 Pheeewww. 😅😅
Votes and Comments are highly appreciated. 😉😚😘

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