Chapter THREE

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Andrei’s POV

“Andrei, just choose whoever you want to be partner with and the rest will have to pair up.” The words of Mr. Corpus as he feel a little annoyed by this problem.

I looked at the girls in front of me. Their eyes seemingly wanted to be picked.

I soon found myself pointing at someone. Mark looked at me in confusion, his bluish eyes directly looking at me. He was wearing contact lens which made me remember that I had his eyeglasses. I just shrugged, me not knowing what I was doing either.

I looked at the teacher which was confused as well as the rest of them.

“I’ll just pair up with him so the girls won’t fight.” I convincingly said. I almost believed in my reason too. I didn’t like the situation when both girls started to argue more knowing that if they weren’t my pair, they have to pair up with Mark. I knew very well the feeling of being left out. I feel it every day at home.

“Okay, that’s better.” Sir Corpus agreeing to the idea. “You girls need to pair up.” Sir Corpus continued as he made his way back to the front.

I saw the girls bickering something to each other. I looked at Mark and pointed beside me, telling him to come. He didn’t move so I made my way to him instead. We were at the end of the room, a little distant to others.
The teacher started telling instructions to which chemicals we should mix. The class cheering, every chemical reaction happens. I wanted to cheer too but Mark was really silent and I didn’t want to break that silence because he may have preferred it that way. A few moments later, the teacher went outside for a while to get something and warned us to not do anything he didn’t instructed.
I took my phone out when it beeped removing my gloves and absent-mindedly putting it at the table which cause some science instrument to drop.
“I’ll pick it up.” Mark finally saying something. I just nodded. I was about to look at my phone when I saw a cylinder-filled with a chemical the teacher strongly told us to be cautious about-being dragged by Mark’s coat as he lowered down, supposedly picking up the things I dropped, I reflexively stretch my hand catching the cylinder, little amount of the chemical to my hand instead of hitting Mark’s head and possibly spilling it all.
“Ahh.” I hissed, a little louder than I wanted. The pain was bearable since it was a little amount but still painful. The class turned their head to us. Mark stood up and removed the cylinder from my hand and looked at the wound, still holding my hand. The two girls earlier made their way to us almost seeming competing.
“What happened?” the girls saying at the same time as they remove my hand from Mark’s and looked at it.
“S-sorry.” I looked back after Mark apologized. He didn’t have to. It happened because of me. The girls glared at him probably misunderstanding the situation.
I was about to say something when the girls started to grab me outside probably sending me to the nurse office.


It’s late Saturday afternoon and I was just done hanging out with my friends at Clay’s house, excusing myself saying I had to do something. I just got home and went to my room to pick-up Mark’s eyeglasses at my nightstand. I picked it up after the commotion at the cafeteria. I wanted to get it fixed and now I had the time to do so. I headed myself downstairs and took a quick look around. As expected, the house was empty.

The only time we get to spent together in a week was every Sunday, attending church mass like a ‘happy family’ and an occasional dinner at a restaurant.

I soon went inside my car and put the eyeglasses at the dashboard. The frame of the eyeglass didn’t break but the glasses has a lot of little cracks at the center. As I held the steering wheel, I looked at my hand, still with a band-aid on before starting the car and made my way to the nearest optical shop.

The nearest optical shop I found was located inside a mall. After handing it to the staff at the shop, she told me it could be fixed in less than an hour. She asked me write my number so that she could notify me if it’s already fixed.

The trip home was almost fifteen minutes so having to go home and get back here would just be a waste. I decided to stroll around the mall instead.

It was maybe more than half an hour when the staff texted. I was on the top floor looking at the Now Showing Movies. Before I made my way to the shop, I noticed a familiar figure in line about to enter the cinema. A female clinging to his arm. I finally realized who I was looking at when the man’s head shifted a little towards my direction. He was conversing with the girl beside him and shared laughter together. Their relationship seemingly more than a friend.

It was my Dad together with a female who is not my mother. I didn’t know what I had to do and stood frozen. My Dad made their way inside the cinema before I could do anything.
I tried to believe that the girl was his workmate and they probably have a reason why they were together. I made my way to the optical shop and paid before leaving the mall. I wanted to get away as fast as possible.
After I reached my room, I closed the door behind me and jumped to my bed lying after putting the eyeglasses case-which was a freebie from the service- to my nightstand.

A lot of thoughts went into my mind. My Dad never really spent much time with me. And recently when he do, he always check his phone and excuse himself saying he has to do something for work. After seeing him earlier, it made me doubt if it was really about work.

Did he really excused himself from me just to spend time with a mistress? But Dad seemed to be a really decent person. I’m not sure if he can really do that.

My feelings went from frustration to dislike, to anger, to confusion, to empty as I wasn’t sure what to feel.
More thoughts went inside my mind before my eyes drifted to sleep.

AN: Family Problems. 😢😢😢
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