Chapter Three: Richard: Just Dinner Plans

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I paused reading the letter from one of my stations in Oklahoma as a brief knock on my office door made me look up as Timothy Simon entered my office and bowed his head to me as I sat the letter aside and looked at him while waiting to see what he had disturbed me for. I rarely ever got disturbances unless they were important, and for that reason, if Timothy didn't say anything useful to me, I'd shoot him. I wasn't bluffing. 

"I just returned from the Ridget residence about your request for the next shipment." Timothy said, I nodded slowly to acknowledge what he said. "He sent this letter with me."

Timothy sat the letter before me on the desk and I picked it up and ripped it open as he dismissed himself with a light nod, I caught the sight of Alana peeking at me so cutely and I chuckled at her quickly trying to hide. She was eagerly waiting for me to come out of my office because she hated coming inside, she spoke of respect and such things and when I tried to explain that it was her office as well, she shooed me off.

I caught Alana innocently peek her head inside and I gestured her forward as I started reading my letter from Ronald, her soft heels clicked as she walked in slowly. I closed the letter and sat it down before looking up at my beloved and gesturing for her to come to me, I had an appetite that called for some bosoms and a nice plump butt against my groin. She stopped before my desk with her head cocked slightly while I rose to my feet and her eyes followed mine as I stood tall, she stared at me with so much love that my heart fluttered. 

Alana was dressed in a soft pink pencil dress that grasped every single curve on her body and if I had no control of myself, just the sight of her in that bodycon dress would of had me drooling lustfully. She topped the dress with a bright white evening shawl that barely dropped below her shoulders and I was thankful because I knew her dress had a low scoop to show her delectable bosoms that I could leave hickies all over. Her short black heels finished the attire and I was more than impressed at the sight of her as she stood patiently waiting for me to address her, I love this little woman with everything in my spirit.

I slowly circled around my desk and walked to the door to shut it fully, as she had left it ajar when she entered. I then moved to Alana with my casual prowling walk that I knew made her very moist, she liked to feel like I was praying on her and she believed I knew her every desire, I like to believe I do. One thing that made me love Alana so wholly was that she was different from other woman I ever bedded, she did many things the same but so different from all those women. 

I usually would get my release and never look back at any woman as I dressed and dismissed myself. I never kissed any of my women but Alana's lips were destined to be kissed and her eyes would sparkled when she'd realize I'm staring at her. She was looking over her shoulder with a face of amusement as I wrapped my arms around her, she melted into my embrace instantly and leaned her head back to rest on my chest. 

I held her tightly as she sunk even more into my chest and I took the extra motive by gently brushing my lips against her neck, she moved her head to the side and that was my invitation. I gently walked us forward until we reached my desk and I grabbed her hands to place them atop of it, I pushed my pelvis into her backside to let her feel my discomfort as my length nestled against her ass checks. She pushed herself back against me and grinded against me, making me groan low in my throat with so much desire and hunger for her. 

Alana moaned wantonly and I knew she was just as eager as me as I reached one of my hands down to my black slacks to relief myself from the confines of them. She lifted the bottom of her dress and I almost lost control then as I stared at her round globes displayed before me, they were so round and perky. I grabbed the base of myself with one hand and steadied her still as she quivered at my touch impatiently, I didn't miss a beat as I lined myself up with her and slowly pushed in. 

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