Chapter Five: Richard: Just A Betrayal

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I felt like I was floating around in the darkness and for a second, I believed I was dead but the soft beeping of a machine let me know that my senses were slowly returning to me, as well as my memories. I could see Alana laying beside me in our bedroom, her soft brown eyes opened and I nearly felt my heart jump out my chest as she gave me the sweetest smile I ever saw. Her eyes sparkled as the curtain in the room flapped open and I could see the sun shining on her, I remembered that this was the sight that I opened my eyes to the next morning. 

I jerked up and looked around to access exactly where I was, I could tell it was my personal infirmary. The room was solid white with two large cabinets in the far corner that was filled with the latest medical equipment, I didn't use this room unless it was bad enough. I hated the fact I had this room in my home but it seemed to come into hand after all. I was on a white bed with a white sheet pulled up to my waist, I had bandages all over my chest and my left shoulder had to large bandages stuck on them. I looked at a nearby mirror to see the cuts on my face also patched up, it wasn't a nightmare this time...

"M-Mr. Alter, please-" Mary's hesitant voice trembled as she rose from her seat.

Her eyes were drooping from lack of sleep and the worry on her face only agitated me because she knew I hated people being concerned for me, I always had too much pride for others to cry over me. I rotated my shoulders while throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I could feel my strength coming back already.

"Have Timothy sent to my office, tell him it's urgent." I said to Mary as she hurried to my side to stop me from getting to my feet

"As you wish, Mr. Alter, but-" She tried to talk me into calming down as sheet covering my lower half fell to the floor, she didn't seemed fazed by the exposure of my groin.

"NOW!" I yelled angrily, cutting her off instantly because I didn't want to hear that shit right now.

She respectfully bowed her head before leaving the room as I walked to where a set of fresh clothes were laying, I was angry that I hadn't been woken up sooner, fuck if I needed rest or not. Alana was out there with that monster and there was no telling what he was doing to her right now, I'm going to rip him apart. I cracked my neck and pulled my button-up shirt on slowly because the stretching of my muscles was excruciatingly painful but I was going to let it slow me down, my woman was in danger. 

I gritted my teeth to keep from shouting in pain as I slipped into my black slacks and buttoned them up, I looked back in the mirror at my exposed torso. I was mostly unfazed by the damage done, I hated to see all the patches covering my scratches and cuts from the wreck. I was going to make that bastard pay for what he's done, for the trauma Alana must have right now, and for the fact that he put me through this much distress about her. I was going to make an example of that asshole for anyone that would want to follow in his footsteps. 

I walked to the door and opened it to let myself out, I grabbed onto the railing and slid along it while to muster the majority of my strength, it was time for a meeting. I shuffled to my office and swung the door open heavily, it banged against the wall and caused Timothy and Aaron, two of my main workers that I call upon all the time. Timothy jumped to his feet as he quickly bowed his head to me and waited for his new assignment, I ignored him as Aaron mainly backed himself into the corner of my office with caution. They knew that I was a ticking timebomb because of what happened, and they were on eggshells. 

"Inform Ronald that our plans will be on hold." I told Timothy as I circled my desk and sat in my chair, quietly feeling relief upon doing so. "Tell him urgent matters have come up."

Timothy bowed his head once more before scurrying out the office to do as I told him, I then turned to Aaron as he stepped forward, Aaron was more of my side commander that kept all my workers updated.

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