Chapter Seven: Richard: It's Just Destiny

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The wind was heavy enough to shake the pearl white curtains on the daybed that was sat on the perfect part of the private beach, the sand was a soft white that stuck to every crevasse if your foot if you walked on it barefooted. The sun beamed brightly as I slowly rolled to where Alana was gently snoring, we had both decided to nap on the beach instead of walking back to the beach house nearby, it turned out to be way more exciting than I thought it would. I reached up and pushed a strand of coiled hair from a cut that was sewn on her eyebrow, she looked just as beautiful as before. 

I then moved my hand to her backside and gently touched the patched burn that I knew still bothered her, I bothered me even more. I leaned forward and lightly pecked her lips as the wind caressed us again, causing my open beach top to flap wildly and her hair to twirl. It was majestic to watch her lightly peek her eyes before yawning and stretching like a cat in the bed, I dodged her arm swinging in my direction out of reflex before rolling on top of her. She smiled at me as I shielded her eyes from the brightness of the afternoon sun sparkling.

I pecked her lips gently before pulling back as she reached up and gently caressed my cheek, I caved into her touch as she then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for another kiss. Her lips caused butterflies to race through me as I felt my entire body melt, she was addictive.

"Lunch?" She asked as we parted.

"Lunch." I agreed, slipping off her so she could get up and we could go to the beach house to make us something quick to eat.

I sat on the edge of the bed to admire Alana's body, she had pulled her hair back once the wind had caused it to go array. Her eyes were duller but even that didn't affect the love I had for her, her smile didn't reach her ears anymore and she'd unconsciously picked at her scarred lip time to time. Her busty breast had zig-zag scratches that would eventually heal and her arms were also matching with the zig-zag texture but those would heal as well. 

Alana turned her back to me as she caught me staring with a soft laugh, she was no longer innocently giggling but even her laugh was enough to make my heart drop in my stomach. A solid white patch protected the open brand on her back from any debris that might of been rolling in the wind like sand or anything else that would irritate her healing wound. Mary had hounded me to make sure it got changed everyday as it still tended to bleed and need cleaning, it was almost time to Alana to ask me to clean it and change the dressing.

"Richie?" Alana asked as she fanned her shoe off and slipped it on. "Will you change my patch, please?" She asked me, though she already knew the answer.

"Of course." I replied, rising to my feet and walking to where she was on the edge of the daybed.

I knew she was slowly putting on her shoes because moving was still painful for her, I had decided the next day we made it home to pack us a bag come to my father's beach that no one knew was in his possession. It was a private island and he had invested into a portion that he bought for family vacationing time, it was the same month he died, I wish he could of lived to see it. I dropped to a knee and grabbed her other shoe to help her put it on and she gave me a thanking smile that still didn't touch her eyes like it used to, how I miss that smile...

I wasn't sure exactly what happened to Alana in the span of three days that she was away with Stephen Rodgers but I will spend my lifetime trying to fix it. That's exactly what my plan was, no matter how many years it would take, I was going to get my lovely ingénue back one way or another. I wanted her to smile at me innocently again, I want her to cock her head as cutely as she did before, I wasn't going to give up on her.

When I did what I did, she didn't give up on me and even forgave me for such a horrendous thing that I wish I could take back. If I could change our past together in a heartbeat, I would even though she said she'd go through it all over again if she had to. I hated the pain I put her through and mentally beat myself for what I did to her, I will never forgive myself but I already know one thing for sure.

"I'll always love you." I said as I stayed kneed before her. "Forever."

"And I will love you forever." Alana said, reaching up and rubbing her thumb along my stubby chin and it sent a chilling shiver down my spine that I ignored as a tiny smile fell on my lips.

Sometimes things just are meant, no matter how it began... it's just destiny.

Mr. Probz

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