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Nailea jolts up as she hears the sound of her alarm. She immediately turns it off and began to get ready for her last week of work before school starts. After she finished her shower, she puts on her red two piece bathing suit and some light blue shorts with her red ankle converses for her life guard job at the country club. Before she heads out she puts her hair in a low bun with two strands out and gives her stepdad a kiss on the head while he sleeping from his hungover. While she begins to heads out to her car a boy comes up to her.

"Hey I'm Miguel I just moved into 109"

"I'm Nailea I live right over there" she said pointing to the apartment door across from 109.

"I was wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure too cuz my sink is being weird right now" Miguel stated as a drunk man came out of apartment in front of him and began to walk to the garbage bin and threw the recycle in the garbage.

"Hey that goes in the blue bin" Miguel said yelling as he began to walk to the man near the garbage. The man left the garbage in the wrong bin. "Johnny come on you could have at least listened to Miguel he wasn't wrong" Nailea said moving the bottles in the right bin. " You know him?" Miguel said with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah that's my stepdad" Nailea said with her hand on her neck as if she was embarrassed for herself.

"Oh okay so how's your water in your apartment" Miguel implied.

"Oh the wat-" Nailea said before she got cut off. "I've been living in this shithole for over ten years. The pipes don't work and the fountain's filled with piss." johnny stated with annoyance.

"Okay Johnny I think he gets it, well i got to go to work i'll see you guys later i guess." Nailea said going into her car and driving away.

A couple hours have passed Nailea gets home from work. She comes in and places her stuff down looking for some water to drink. But she looks in the fridge and notices that there isn't any so she heads to closest store near her in walking distance. She gets to the store and see's her stepdad walking out with a stale pizza and beer in his hand. "What are you doing here, are you drunk?" Nailea yelled. "I can ask you the same thing for you and when am I not Nailea." Johnny said while taking a sip of his beer.

A group of guys come out of the store and pushes some kid into the bushes. "Hey i didn't know you were trying to buy beer i'm sorry." The boy in the bushes yelled. "Oh what do we got here" one of the kids who threw the boy in the bushes asked while picking up the medicine. "What do you got here pepto" another boy says. "Oh shit someone has fricking diarrhea" one other boy yelled. " Hey we should call him Rhea!" the fat boy yelled. "Give it back dude, it's for my grandma" "Oh it's for your grandma, here you want it" one of the boys said pouring the medicine over the kids head.

"Johnny what's going on over there" Nailea said pointing to the boys arguing. "I don't care i-" Johnny said before being interrupted when the boys threw the kid on Johnny's car. "Aye, watch the car!" Johnny yelled at one of boys. "Oh my gosh Miguel are you okay" Nailea asked worriedly while helping Miguel and walking him away from the other boys.

"Look at this loser, sitting on a corner eating dinner like a bum" said the boy who threw Miguel into the Johnny car. Johnny began to get angry then threw a punch at one of the kids and they began to fight.

While Johnny was fighting the teenage boys Nailea went into the store and grabbed napkins to help clean up Miguel. "Hey you okay?" Nailea chuckled while wiping Miguel face and hair. "yeah, thanks" Miguel said looking into Nailea's light brown eyes. Nailea tippy toed as high as she can to wipe Miguel's hair and she began to almost fall over. But Miguel catches her before that happens. With miguel's hand on her waist and Nailea's hands on his neck she began to chuckle and before she can say thank you sirens began to appear. And before you know it policemen began to arrest her stepdad. "Hey it wasn't his fault" Miguel yelled. And Nailea began to run to the policemen to stop them from arresting Johnny but they pushed her to the ground and told her to back off. And put johnny in the back of the police car and drove away. Then the boys all ran away cuz they didn't want to get arrested too.

Miguel came over to Nailea and helped her up. "Hey you okay" Miguel asked. "Yeah but what about Johnny how am I going to get him out of jail." Nailea said worriedly. "I'm not sure but do you want to come over and stay the night at my house while we find out how to help your stepdad. My yaya is a great cook and she wouldn't mind." Miguel said smirking at Nailea. "Really? okay thank you." Nailea said smiling. Then they began to walk to Miguel's house.

After a few minutes they finally got to Miguel's house. When they walked into Miguel house his grandma was cooking till she noticed what happened and told Miguel to go clean himself up. While Miguel was in the shower Nailea helped his grandma cook and had small talk. "How do you know Miguel?" his grandma asked. "Oh i just met him today when he asked about the water." Nailea answered. Then Miguel's mom walked into the house with a confused face. "Hi, umm who's this" she asked. Oh hi I'm Nailea i'm a friend of Miguel's. "Miguel's made friends already Im so proud of him" Miguel's mom said smiling.

Then Miguel walked into the room. "Hey what's going on." Miguel asked. "Nothing just helping out." Nailea said smiling. Dinner was ready and everyone began to eat. "This is so good I'm so thankful you invited my over Miguel my stepdad doesn't really cook good food like this." Nailea said with pure joy. "Gracias you can come over anytime" Miguel's grandma said with a big smile. After they finished eating Miguel and Nailea began to wash and put the dishes away. "You know you don't have to do this right." Miguel stated looking at Nailea drying the dishes. "Yeah i know but i want to help it's the least i can do." Nailea said looking back at Miguel and they both began to chuckle. After they finished they went to Miguel's room. "Imma go take a shower do you have anything i can wear." Nailea asked. "Yeah hold on " Miguel said while taking out a black t shirt and one of his old boxers. "Thanks" nailea said while taking the clothes from Miguel's hands. "No problem" Miguel said after she began to leave.

Nailea comes out of the shower with her wet hair and starts looking around Miguel's room. Then miguel comes back into the room with some cake and nailea turns around fast. "Here you want some tres leche my yaya made it the other day it's really good." Miguel said passing her the cake. "I bet it is good your grandma is a great cook i need to come over here more often so she can teach me." Nailea said while taking the piece of cake. Then they both sat on Miguel's bed. "Hey you wanna watch a movie" miguel said while grabbing his computer. "Yeah sure can we watch 17 again i heard it's really good" Nailea stated. They began to watch the movie and they finished there cake. Then Nailea got up and turn off the light and put her head on Miguel's shoulders and began to slowly fall alseep.

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