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    It was about 10 in the morning. Nailea began to wake up slowly and rubs her eyes. She looks around and no one was there. The door began to open it was miguel. "Hey there sleepy head" miguel said walking toward nailea. "Hey um i just wanna to say thank you for keeping my mind off my stepdad" Nailea said sitting up looking at miguel. "No problem but how you feel" Miguel said look back at nailea. "i'm fine but do you know what time it is" nailea asked. "oh it's 10:03" miguel replied back. "It's 10 o clock oh my gosh in late for work" Nailea yelled and began to frantic. "Hey just calm down take a day off we still need to find out what happened to your stepdad maybe he is home. You want to go check?" miguel implied. "Yeah let's go." nailea replied back and began to grab her stuff.

Nailea and Miguel start to walk to her apartment. When they open the door they see johnny and some old man talking. "johnny when did you get back" nailea asked with a confused expression . "i got back just a few minutes ago why are you wearing underwear" johnny said looking at nailea confused. "Oh i just came back from miguel's house i spent the night over there." nailea replied back. "what were you doing at miguel's house" johnny said with a worried look on his face. " We just hung out nothing to worry about it's not like you even really care" nailea said walking to her room.

"Yeah we just watched a movie and ate some food nothing else sir" miguel said to johnny trying to cool things down. "Excuse me I been wondering if you can teach me how to fight like you did yesterday" miguel begged."What? no" johnny stated. "why not? come on when school starts those guys will make my life miserable." miguel explains. "That's not my problem. I don't do karate no more alright. Now can you please stop asking " Johnny said in a rude tone. Miguel beings to leave but Johnny stopped him. "Maybe if you stop being annoying you'll stop getting your ass kicked." johnny stated harshly. Then miguel walked out the door and left.

Then Nailea came out her room. "Johnny what is wrong with you. You didn't have to be so mean to him you can tell he is a nice person there wasn't no need for that. This is why no one likes seeing or speaking to you like mom for example." Nailea states with a angry tone.

Nailea goes out the house and stops miguel from walking into his. " Hey miguel, i'm sorry about johnny he doesn't know how to speak to anyone." nailea said softly. "It's okay" miguel replied back as if what johnny said kind of hurt him a little. "Umm well since i'm not going to work you wanna go out and do something. We only have a few more days before school starts." nailea stated tryna cheer him up. "Yeah sure, where you wanna go"miguel asked. "It's a suprise just get dressed and text me when your ready."Nailea said while walking away happily.

Nailea began to get ready. Once she came out the shower she put on a jean skirt with a light blue bralette top with her hair out and wavy. After she finished getting ready she got miguel's text saying he outside her door. "Wow you look amazing" miguel said in shock. "thank you, you do too." nailea said smiling. They get into the car and nailea starts driving to the zoo.

An hour pass and they arrive at San Francisco zoo parking lot. "miguel close you eyes" nailea insisted. "okay" miguel said while covering his eyes. They get out the car and nailea takes Miguel's hand and they start walking to the zoo. Once they were in nailea told miguel to open his eyes. "A zoo?" miguel asked in confusion. "Yeah ofc they are always free on wednesday's so why not. Your gonna have a great time don't worry." Nailea stated.

They begin walking around. "What's your favorite animal" miguel asked. "If i had to choose i'll say a seal, ouuu let's go see them" Nailea said running while holding on to miguel's hand. They arrive at the seals. "Why do you like seals" miguel asked. "i don't know i just do there kinda cute, just look at them."Nailea said pointing at the seals. "You wanna go get some dip n dots? we can share?" nailea asked. "yeah sure but i'm picking the flavor" miguel implied.

Miguel goes and get the dip n dots and comes back with his favorite flavor. "Oh my gosh i love cookies n cream it's my favorite" nailea said happily as her eyes lit up. "Mine too" miguel said softly looking in nailea's eyes as they lit up with joy. "Also we not gonna be here in the zoo for that long only for a while cuz i have other things planned this is just so time could pass" nailea said smirking at miguel. "okay so what do we do now" miguel asked. "let's go to the gift shop" nailea said excitedly.

They went off to the the gift shop and looked around. "Nailea close your eyes i'm gonna pick out something for you" miguel said as he went to go get something. Miguel came back with a panda bear in his hands. "Okay open" miguel said holding the panda in his hands. "Oh my gosh i love it, it is so cute thank you sm miguel" Nailea said very happily while giving Miguel a hug.

After they finished at the gift shop they began to walk back to the car. They spent about 3 hours on the rode to get back to encino. When they finally were in encino they went to chick fil a and ordered some food in the drive way and headed down to the beach. They both got out the car and Nailea grabbed the picnic blanket and beach bag. Miguel grabbed the food and they began walking down to the beach. They took a spot near the water but not to close and they set down there blanket and stuff.

"It's pretty late your step dad not gonna be upset that your out past dark" miguel asked. "Who cares about him he is always to drunk to care." nailea said a little upset. "Hey what's wrong? you don't like your stepdad?" miguel asked worriedly looking at nailea. "No not really he isn't the greatest person or father. He is the reason why i'm not with my mom. I used to live with my mom and stepdad last year but this year i just live with my stepdad and they always used to argue all the time when we were together and i guess my mom just couldn't handle how her life was and gave up. She gave up on me when i needed her." nailea said as she began to cry. "Oh i'm sorry to hear that but if you ever need to talk i'm here." miguel said hugging her while she cried into his shoulder. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to start crying this is supposed to be a fun day let's just change the subject" nailea said while wiping her tears.

They continued to eat there food and talk more about themselves with each other. It's like they became a little bit closer. They finished there food and began to lay down together and look at the stars. "I don't really know anything about constellations but the sky looks nice at the night" miguel said looking at this one star. "Same I don't know either but i like it." nailea said smiling. "Look it's a shooting star make a wish" miguel said while holding nailea's hand then he looks at her and asks her what did you wish for. They look at each other eye to eye. "I wished for better days" nailea said smiling while looking at miguel. They were like face to face and they began to move slowly closer to each other. They kept looking back at each other and eventually they kissed miguel put his hand on her waist and she put her hand on his face. They began to make out for a little but then began to slowly pull away and just looked at each other and started to smile. Miguel began to sit up and so did nailea. "You wanna dip our feet in the water for a little" nailea asked. "Yeah sure" he replied as he start to take off his shoes. He took her hand and they began to walk in the water and let it hit there feet and looked at how peaceful and calming everything was.

After a few minutes of enjoying the view they packed there things and headed back to the car and drove back home. They got out the car and gave each other a hug before leaving to their apartment. "I had fun tonight maybe we can have more days like this" miguel said smiling at nailea. "I agree well i'll see you later" She said while giving miguel a kiss on the cheek and went into her apartment.

"Where were you" Johnny said in a angry low tone. "Leave me alone" Nailea said while walking into her room and changing her clothes and heading to bed.

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