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Nailea woke up and began to get ready for her first day at this new school. She puts on a yellow cropped cami top with some medium blue short and her white air forces and her hair in a nice bun. Once she finished get ready and grabbed her stuff she headed out.

Once she arrived at school and head her locker info and schedule she went to go find her locker. She began to put her textbooks and workbooks in her locker and headed to the vending machine. But on her way to the vending machine someone bumps into her making her drop her phone and notebook. The kid helped her pick up her stuff so she looks up and realizes that it's miguel.

"Hey, sorry you okay?" miguel asked standing up and passing nailea her phone.

"Yeah, and you good no worries" nailea said shrugging it off and walking away.

"Hey wait can we please talk we haven't spoke in days" miguel said grabbing nailea wrist before she walked away.

"Okay talk" nailea said with a straight face and her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry about how i was when you said you wanted to talk at cobra kai. I should have never assumed and i just want to apologize. I miss speaking to you."

"I'm sorry too i should have never made you feel like i didn't care. I miss speaking to you too. You're like the only friend i made here and i don't want lose you already school just started" nailea said beginning to chuckle a little at the end.

"Yeah same here friend" miguel said awkwardly while punching nailea in the arm playfully.

"okayy you weirdo i'll see you at lunch okay" Nailea said laughing and looking back at miguel as he walks away.

The school bell began to ring and everyone headed to class.

After a few hours the morning classes have finished and it was time for lunch. Miguel and Nailea grabbed there lunch and began to look for a table to sit at. They see this one table with two boys on it. "Is it cool if we sit here" miguel asked the two boys. "Sorry, tables are really blowing up right now, i can put you on the waitlist but it's probably next semester at the earliest" one of the boy a the table stated. "okay" miguel replied back while walking away. "There is literally no one here, what are you talking about?" nailea said laughing. "Miguel come back here i think he's just kidding" nailea continued while pulling miguel by his backpack to comeback. "Yeah i was just kidding here sit!" the same one boy talking said.
"I'm miguel" miguel said introducing himself while taking a seat next to the boy who spoke before. "i'm nailea" nailea said introducing herself while taking a seat next to the quiet kid with the big sweater. "I'm demetri and this is eli, he's a man of a few words" demetri said while point at eli. "You two know each other, you guys related?" demetri asked. "No" miguel and nailea said in sync a little loud. "This is like my bestfriend, we don't even look related" nailea stated. "You kinda do" demetri said. "Not really" eli said in a low voice.

A group of girls walk pass their table and everyone turns around to see who it was. "Dude dont torture yourself, those are the rich girls" demetri said while patting Miguel's shoulder. "do you ever talk to them or.."miguel asked. "Oh yeah all the time, we hang out after school, make out, and give each other hand jobs, Eli here is the homecoming king, he gets laid more than anyone isn't that right eli" demetri said sarcastically. Eli started to smile and laugh a little."What? demetri you guys were literally sitting at a table with just the two of you i don't even think they know you exist." Nailea said laughing hysterically. Demetri rolled his eyes at what Nailea said. "Ofc we don't talk to them, you realize what table your sitting at, you pretty much signed away all your hopes of getting with a girl and losing your virginity." demetri stated. "I'm a girl and i'm sitting here" nailea said with a confused look. "I'm talking about those rich girls over there" demetri explained. "oh shit, yasmine is looking at us" eli said while trying to cover up his lip. "Who the fuck is yasmine" nailea said while chuckling and turning around to see what eli was looking at.

"Just because there hot doesn't mean there mean" miguel stated while look at the girls.

"You clearly don't know nothing about girls" nailea said chuckling.

"Your hot and your sitting here and your nice" miguel stated.

Nailea face begins to heat up a little and she looks down trying to hide it. Then miguel gets up and begins walking to the girls then comes back quickly.

"so how did it go" demetri said sarcastically.

"Nailea those kids who fought with your stepdad are over there" miguel said pointing at their table Nailea turned around to see what miguel was tabling about then turned back around. "Shit they go to this school, your fucked miguel" nailea said to miguel. Then demetri looked at their table too and said "oh that kyler and his goons."

Then one of the teacher began to explain how cyber bully in wrong and how people were bullying a kid with a health condition. Then eli began to feel uncomfortable and covered his lipped and  saw how everyone was looking at him. He began to feel out of place and started to run out the lunch room crying.

Nailea began to get up so she can go help eli but she was stopped by demetri. "hey just let him be" demetri said while grabbing on to nailea wrist. "i'm good he needs a friend right now" nailea said while pulling away from demetri and running after eli.

"hey eli wait up"

"what" eli said crying.

"are you crying, don't cry who cares what they think about you"


"why do you think that people don't speak to demetri and he doesn't have a weird lip so even if you didn't have a lip problem do you think it would make a difference to how many friends you get."

"Then people will stop calling me lip"

"if you don't like the way your lip looks then why don't you change how you look"

"i can't my weird lip will always be there"

"eli if you were really trying to fix your lip problem you would know that you can use makeup and cover it up with no problem then people will stop calling you lip"

"your right why didn't i think of that"

"i know i'm right doofus" nailea said while chuckling. Then eli wiped his tears and stopped crying. Then the school bell rang. "Here's my number if you ever need to talk to someone besides demetri" nailea said while writing her number on eli's arm. "well i'll see you later and stop all that cry weirdo" nailea continued as she pushes eli playfully so he can go to class.

After a few hours pass classes ended and school is over. Nailea meets up with miguel before going home and they walk to her car. They begin to drive to cobra kai for karate practice.

"So i heard that there is a halloween dance are you gonna go?" miguel asked nailea.

"yeah i just gotta figure out a costume"

They arrive at the dojo and walk in and begin there training.

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