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Mae's POV

The second Braeden parked, my heart stopped beating. I was beyond nervous, how was I gonna survive this trip?

He stepped out of the car smiling, and looked around for a few seconds until his eyes met mine. I think I'm gonna pass out.

—Hey, bubs!— he walked towards me.

—Bubs?— each and every one of my friends asked confused.

—Y-yeah, that's how he used to call me when we were younger.— I answered, which made all of them nod and some, like Minnie, smirk.

—That's so adorable.— I heard Evan whisper, which made both Braeden and I blush. Sooo discreet, Lina.

—Hi, Brae.— I giggled and hugged him, smiling shyly. He laughed as well and felt this strong arms around me. God, I'm gonna melt.

He released me from his embrace after a few seconds. I turned around to look at my friends, who still looked confused, maybe cause they didn't know who the tall guy beside me was.

—So, guys. This is Braeden Lemasters, he used to be my best friend until he moved to LA three years ago.— the brunette waved, as well as the others. —B, this is Minnie's boyfriend, Felix, our friends Dorothy, Jonah, Corbyn, Josephine, Blake, Summer, Jaeden, Evan, Rudy, and you already know my sisters.

—Nice to meet you, guys.

—Nice to meet you, too.— a chorus of voices was heard.

—Okay, now that we're all here we can finally go!— Mimi announced, making all of us cheer. —We're 14, so 7 will go with me and 7 with Mom Mae.

—Let's go, people!— Maddie clapped her hands, making us move towards the two cars.

—Mom Mae?— Braeden asked amused, trying to hold his laugh.

—Yeah, it's just a nickname my sisters gave me cause I'm like the mom of the group, and a little older than some of our friends.— I made a face. —I'm not a big fan, to be honest.

—I think it's cute.— I blushed a little. Damn it. —Does that make me Dad Brae?

—Okay, 1. That's kinda cringy and 2. Hmm, you'll have to earn the nickname. — I said playfully, making him push me gently, causing me to laugh.

—Okay lovebirds, stop flirting and let's gooo.— Corbyn spoke, which made us blush even harder. —They're gonna leave us if we don't hurry. —Madelaine said next.

I turned to look at the inside of my Jeep and Corbyn, Maddie, Summer, Jonah and Rudy were in the back.

—Where are your girlfriends and boyfriend?— I asked them as soon as I got in my car.

—They abandoned us.— Summer answered. —Well, 1. I abandoned Jae and 2. The only one here that's in a relationship is Jonah. The rest of us are single.— she continued with a 'duh' tone.

—Oh, yeah. I always thought you were with Jaeden.— I spoke while I started the engine and began driving.

—Nop. We're just best friends. — she said in a sad and lower tone. Despite not liking Minnie, I have always had a good relationship with the blonde. Why? To be honest I didn't know. But I was fine with it, she's cool and on very rare occasions she can be sweet.

—Oh. Okay, I'm feeling generous today, so I'll let one of you have the entire control of the aux. —I changed the subject and glanced at the people in the back through the rear-view mirror. They looked at each other, raised their hand and started pushing one another. Savages. —But only if you can tell me... My favorite candy, my favorite song aaand my favorite quote from Friends.

The car was silent for a moment until I heard Braeden speaking softly.

—I know the first one, it's sour gummy worms. —I felt his eyes on me.

—Y-yeah, you remembered. —I was surprised that he didn't forget it.

—How could I not know? You used to buy like five packages from the cafeteria ever since we were little and I recall that I gave you a box full of them on your 13th birthday.

To this day, that is the most thoughtful present anyone's given me.

I didn't respond and just smiled widely, I missed being around him. He was always so nice and caring, two of the things that made me had a crush on him.

While the group in the back thought of their answers, Common Sense by Joshua Bassett was playing in the background. Such a cute song.

Almost as the song was coming to an end, I heard Jonah's voice.

—I think I know, Mom Mae.— he said but was interrupted by Rudy.

—Don't listen to him, pick meee.

I laughed. —If he doesn't get it right you're next. — the blonde nodded.

I gestured to Jonah that he could continue. —1. Sour gummy worms, 2. Nobody Gets Me (Like You) by Wallows and 3. "I just gave birth to three children and I will not see them grow up in a world where Joey is right." which was said by Phoebe.

I loved that quote and Phoebe was one of my favorite characters but that was not the quote I was thinking of.

—You were almost right. The first and second are correct but the third one wasn't.— he made a face. —I'm sorryyyy. —I touched his hair affectionately (when we stopped at a red light, obviously. I'm a responsible driver.)

The next one that tried to guess was Rudy, and he had the quote wrong as well.

After him, my sister spoke very confidently, may I add.

— 1. Sour gummy worms, 2. Nobody Gets Me (Like You) aaaand 3. "I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"

—Ding, ding, ding! Maddie's the winneeer.— I announced in a presenter's voice. I heard several groans.

—How did you know?— Corbyn asked.

—I know my sister. Chandler is one of her favorite characters and that quote is her motto.

—It's true. Well done, sis!— I high fived her and passed her the aux.

Seconds later Brooklyn Baby by Lana del Rey started playing, making me smile. Such a bop!

—It just hit me, your favorite song is Nobody Gets Me (Like You)?— the singer asked curiously.

—Yep, ever since I heard it for the first time. I instantly fell in love with it.

—Aw, you're so sweet.— he put is right hand above his heart.

—Sometimes.— I smiled.

The rest of the journey we talked, laughed and sang, just like the old times.

I was gonna miss times like this, the most.

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I'm so sorry for the delay! But I wanted to do "something different" and it turned out really cute, tbh. The action will start soon, btw. 👀

Hope y'all liked it and I'll try not to take much time to update. 💙

Voices ✸ 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 • 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ