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Minnie's POV

After I messaged the group, I decided to write Mae. I needed to know why she was that happy, and I think I had an idea.

Mae Mae 🧚🏼‍♀️💕

Oh Maaaae!

It's 9 am and I need to get ready. 😒

I promise this will take a few minutes.

Spit it out.

Are you happy because a certain musician is coming with us?

Pff, no.
Why would you think that?

It's called being smart and to think, you should try
it sometime, Big Sis. 🥰

Oh, shut up.
But, maybe?
I'm nervous, you know how much I used to like him.
What if I make a fool of myself?

It'll all be okay, Mae.
Don't worry, just relax and enjoy your time with him. 💙

Thanks, Min. 🖤
I will, I promise.
Okay, enough sharing for today, I'll go get ready.
And you guys should too.

Yeah, we will.
I'm glad I could help.
Love you, sis. 😙🖤

Love you too, Lil Sis. 🥰

After our conversation, it was time to wake Lix up. He was the slowest of the two and I wasn't going to be late cause of him.

—Honey.— I shook him gently. He didn't even move. —Felix, baby.— I shook him again but harder.

He just made a sound and the grip on my waist tightened, making me giggle.

—Yongbok, it's time to wake uuuup.

—But I don't wanna.— he pouted without opening his eyes.

—But you have to.— I rolled my eyes with a smile.

—I'm still tired, and it's all your fault.

—I didn't ask you to stay up till late to watch Boy Meets World with me.

—I didn't want to leave you alone.— I gave him a look, which made him open his eyes, finally. —Okay, and because I wanted to watch it, it's just so good and addictive!

—I told you!— I said excitedly. —Rider Strong was the one who motivated me to watch it.— I sighted contently. —Shawn Hunter is so dreamy.

—You do know that he's like 40 now, right?

—Shut up, I liked him when he was a teen back in the 90s, not now.— I said as if it was obvious. —Even though he still is attractive, and I like his voice.

—So you like his more than mine?

—Hmm...— I pretended to think about it. —How could I when yours is so unique and makes me melt every single time? And not to mention that he doesn't have your extremely charming Aussie accent.— I rolled my eyes playfully while smiling goofily.

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