Battle at the Docks

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Within the Fuyuki docks, the sound of metal can be heard clanging repeatedly to such a rapid beat, it almost sounds like construction was being done there. In all reality, a battle between two warriors of legend was at play, as weapons venerated to the point of legends met head to head. However in that very same setting, a few blocks away, a black SUV parked. Within it, a couple of people, a foreigner with black and blue eyes sat with a serious expression on his face. Beside him was a woman of slightly shorter stature whose purple hair and crimson, almost cat-like eyes could only be a product of either impressive cosplay or of a more otherworldly origin.

As Bruce and Caster drove to the back, Bruce then pulled out a duffel bag from behind him and unzipped it, showcasing the black cloak hidden inside. As he was about to wear it, his servant then said "Oh no. I hope you're not thinking of doing what I'm thinking you're going to do.". To this, Bruce's only rebuttal was silence as he continued to unpack that Batman costume out of the bag. However, before he could pull it out, Caster's hand wrapped around the hand with the bat suit as she said "I will not allow you to fight those servants. You got lucky with Assassin last time. Against more battle oriented servants, you won't stand even a second. I may stand a chance since I've always been a better warrior then a mage, but you-".

Bruce then placed a hand on top of hers to try and assuage her worries, saying "Calm down. We're not going to fight them, we're merely going to size up the competition to see what we're dealing with.". Scathach(Lily) became torn by this idea as on one hand, it'd put her master in sizable danger, especially considering this is the same man who would not back down to even Assassin, but on the other hand, valuable knowledge of opponents is valuable. She decided to compromise.

She then placed her other hand on top of the one he placed on hers and said "Wait. At the very least, let me help you even the odds.". Bruce then asked "How exactly?" to which she merely said "Take out your costume." while pulling out her red spear-wand thing. Bruce then gave her a confused "Okay?" to which she then took the costume from his hand and began inscribing runes all around it making Bruce go "Hey, hey! What are you-". However, after reading the runes on it, he then said "Oh.", after realizing what she was doing.

Ur was written on the arm and leg portions of the legs to strengthen muscular strength, Ehwaz on the fists, chest, boots and cape to increase the protection and durability offered by the bat suit, Kenaz on the inside of the mask to allow for vision to be enhanced, Hagalaz was also added to the cape probably as a way to ward off possible curses and finally Algiz at the back of the head, which Bruce saw as strange since if he remembered correctly, that was a rune with similar properties to Ehwaz, maybe it actualizes a different effect?

After finishing up, Caster then said "And there." before taking time to admire her handiwork. She then said "Now these runes may not allow you to be able to beat a servant aside from Assassin if your fight last time was anything to go by, but, they're potent enough to at least allow you to survive a bit against even the likes of lancer or saber, maaaybe a few seconds against berserkers.". Caster then slumped down in front of the car's air conditioner, being relieved of the heat her body produced from using magecraft. She then said "Meanwhile, I will stay right here. I think I'm going to take a rest for a bit. Your mana generation isn't enough to sustain me completely, so I'll rest a bit first.".

Bruce then said "Hey, could you also add a Sowilo near my face?". Caster balked at this and said "Are you crazy? Why would you risk getting burned? What do you get out of this?". Bruce then said "Look, they don't know you exist. The best way we can keep that up, is that they'd think I'm a servant instead if they see that.". Caster then said "What servant are you possibly trying to play as?!" to which he said "Spring heeled jack.". Caster then shook her head vehemently, saying "No, servants can sense fellow servants. They would notice your dud, immediately. The only reason they don't sense me now, is because I placed an Isa rune while we were driving towards the second building.".

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