What does this mean?

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"I hope we find Rakepick tonight. 'Cause I'm gonna be ready." Merula growled as she, Bill, Ben and Lana walked down to the forest.

"Merula, chill." Lana groaned, "Who knows what we'll find in there."

"Scared, Riviera?" (sCaReD pOtTaH?¿)

"Not in the slightest."

"Keep up, ladies!" Bill called from in front, "We're almost there." Ben looked back at the two girls and rolled his eyes.

"So, this is the place where it happened?" Bill asked when they were at the spot.

"The place where Rakepick killed Rowan? Yes. You can just say it!" Merula huffed, her frown not leaving her face.

"Belt up, Merula..." Lana remarked.

"There's no one out here but us nutters. Why should I be quiet?"

"It's a full moon tonight."

"Have you gone superstitious on me, Riviera?" Merula scoffed.

"The moonlight could make it easier to search for clues." Bill said, "I just thought all of you might need...a moment first. After all that happened here."

"I don't feel anything being back here. I feel nothing." Ben said monotonously, "Is that weird? To not feel anything?"

"You're odd, Copper. So it all makes sense to me." Merula told him, "I feel rage...at Rakepick, at 'R', and at Bill for dragging us out here to investigate a forest." she frowned.

"What about you, Lana? What are you feeling?" Bill asked.

"All sorts of things." Lana sighed, But I feel ready to search. It's what we came out here to do."

"Fine, then let's just 'investigation' over with." Merula said.

"So where do we start?" Ben asked.

"Let's spread out along the perimeter. We're looking for anything Rakepick might've left behind that could put us back on her trail. Or any clues related to 'R'. Someone from the cabal may have come here after you'd left." Bill told them.

"Maybe my brother had the same thought. We could find something that leads to him." Lana suggested.

The group wandered around the forest grove, eyes peeled for any clues. Lana got a sinking feeling in her chest, but she wasn't sure whether it was to do with the fact that she was back where Rowan died, or if it was her instincts telling her something was about to happen.

"I'm finding nothing but dirt and leaves and forest things and..." Merula began, but stopped abruptly, "WEREWOLF!" she yelled.

Everyone gasped and saw the werewolf up on a cliff, baring it's teeth ferociously. It bounded down onto the forest floor with them, and the group gathered together for safety.

"Stand back!" Bill warned them all.

"What do we do?" Ben asked.

"I've got this." Lana said, pulling out her wand. She fought the werewolf off, but it didn't budge. It was clutching its arm is it panted, fangs still bared at the others.

"Brilliant, Lana! Well done!" Bill praised, eyebrows raised.

"It's only stunned. We don't have much time!" Lana said.

"We have NO time! Get back!" Merula told her firmly.

Suddenly, another paler grey werewolf bounded in front of the group, as if it were...protecting them. It scared the first wolf away, and it looked back at Lana before proceeding to follow it. Lana had a thought...could it have been Chiara?

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 6Where stories live. Discover now