Final Preparations

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The next day, Lana met Tonks and Jae in the owlery, discussing the further preparations for when they eventually infiltrate the meeting with 'R'. They decided they needed new people to help them, someone they trusted, and who wouldn't leak any information.

Talbott walked in just as they were talking, and they decided he'd be perfect. Lana spoke with the Ravenclaw boy moments after, convincing him to be part of their team. He reminded her that she hadn't planned what to do if Rakepick was already in the meeting, so she turned to the one person who knew the witch best...Jacob.

'There's only one person who'll know if I should expect to see Rakepick at the secret meeting...' Lana thought as she arrived at the black lake and shot the red sparks from her wand.

"What is it, Pip? What's happened?" Jacob's concerned voice followed after the 'pop' of an apparition.

"Can't I just summon you to say hi?" Lana joked, turning around to face her brother.

"I know better." Jacob smiled.

"I know you've been tracking Rakepick. I need to know about her most recent whereabouts."

"What's this about?" Jacob asked, eyeing his sister suspiciously.

"There's a chance that I may be able to infiltrate 'R' at one if their secret meetings, but only if Rakepick doesn't attend." Lana explained.

"I applaud your efforts, Lana, but I think it's best if you share your plans with me. What kind of older brother would I be if I wasn't sure this is the best course of action? This isn't sneaking into the Hogwarts kitchen to steal a late-night snack, you know."

"You don't have to worry. I've got the perfect plan for this."

"I'll be the judge of that..." Jacob muttered, and Lana proceeded to tell him all about the polyjuice potion plan. "That's an outstanding scheme you got going there, Lana. Lucky for you, it's too risky for Rakepick to show her face in public right now." he said proudly after hearing his sister's plans.

"Thanks!" Lana beamed, "We've only got one shot at this, so we have to make it count."

"I think you'll be giving 'R' quite the surprise when you appear as Rakepick."

"Just imagine if we were able to lock down Rakepick's location and get some real information on 'R' could be incredible!"

"It could also be disastrous if you don't keel our wits about it. While it is doubtful that she will attend this meeting, what will you do if Rakepick shows up?" Jacob inquired.

"Hmm...I'll pretend that she's the imposter and slip away in the ensuing chaos."

"That's easier said than done. I'm not sure how much time that'll buy you."

"In that case, I'll need to make every second count." Lana said firmly.

"That's right. Just be quick about it, Pip." Jacob told her, "I'm sorry, but I must really get a move on."

"You've been such a good help. Thank you, Jake." Lana smiled.

"You've got the tactics down, just make sure you're ready for a fight should it come to that. Train your team well, Lana." Jacob said, and with that he was gone.

Lana then met with Jae, Talbott, and Tonks on the training grounds. She wanted to make absolute sure that everyone would prepared for sneaking into the meeting with 'R'. They practiced spells on dummies, duelled, and discussed what could happen if they ever needed to fight 'R'. Penny then ran up to the group, telling Lana the polyjuice potion was ready!

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 6Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora