The Concert

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Liz accompanied Lana to Hagrid's garden, where they found both him and Kettleburn talking. They asked them about the merpeople, but it didn't prove much help. Lana found herself venturing to Flourish and Blotts with Chiara to research the creatures.

They found a book by Newt Scammander, which informed them that merpeople shared a love of music. Lana made the decision to meet with the Weird Sisters, whom she'd met, curtesy of Bill. She spoke to Alanza to help her on her excursion. The two girls met with the band in Knockturn Alley, asking them to play a concert at the Black Lake in order to get closer to the merpeople with their love of music.

The Weird Sisters agreed to play at the lake, but they'd run into a problem as Filch had confiscated Kirley the guitarist's eighteen-string guitar. Lana didn't hesitate to offer to get the guitar back for the band, desperate to have the concert play. With Alanza's help, Lana managed to sneak into Filch's office and get the guitar back. They then helped the Weird Sisters plan their concert


It was the day of the concert, and Lana met Barnaby and Merula on the lakeshore as the crowd was filing in. The stage was all set up, with dozens of huge speakers and purple light decorations. Lana wandered over to Barnaby, who was excitedly beckoning her over.

"Do you think this concert will have a mosh pit? I heard that's a thing muggles do..." he asked her as she arrived, "Though I have no idea what moshing is, so maybe we should avoid doing it?" Lana giggled at him and gave him a hug, finding his cluelessness absolutely adorable.

"The point if this concert isn't partying, Barnaby." Merula told him, "It's a peace offering to the merpeople to get Lana invited back to the Black Lake."

"You're going in again?" Barnaby asked Lana, eyebrows raised as he looked down at her.

"I have to." she shrugged, "And if it works, I can start searching for the cursed vault again."

"Still, a concert at the lake is pretty cool. I think we should at least have some fun." Barnaby grinned.

"And I think we need to focus on the mission!" Merula frowned.

"What do you think, Lana?" Barnaby asked the brunette.

"I'm sorry, Barny, but I'm gonna have to side largely with Merula on this one. Nothing's more important than avenging Rowan and finding the next vault. But surely it wouldn't hurt to have at least a little fun?" Lana answered, and watched Barnaby's eyes light up as she mentioned having fun.

"I'm glad to hear you agree, Lana. Lately it's been hard to tell what you're doing and why." Merula scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lana frowned, "And why are you so moody, anyway?"

"To be fair, she's usually moody. But today she's been especially moody." Barnaby added.

"Maybe I'm annoyed that you've been making all these plans without even telling me." Merula admitted, "We were supposed to be searching for 'R''s mole in Hogwarts. But suddenly you're planning concerts instead..."

"The whole point of finding the mole is to beat them to the final cursed vault. And it sounds like they've already been investigating the Black Lake, so I didn't wanna take any chances—" Lana could feel Barnaby slip his hand into her own in an attempt to calm her down when he heard her tone of voice become tense.

"We founded the Circle of Khanna together, Riviera. The least you could do is keep me in the loop—"

"Hey, not to cut into your important fighting time, but it looks like the concert is gonna start soon." Barnaby interjected, nodding back to the stage. "If this works, are you ready to go back into the lake, Lana?" he asked, concern in his eyes.

"Lee's got a point. We need to talk about what you'll do if you're able to get back in the water." Merula agreed.

The three of them spoke for a few minutes, discussing their further actions if the concert did prove to be a success.

"There's definitely a lot to consider once I'm in the lake. And I hear you both, but none of this advice will matter if I can't get back in the water safely in the first place." Lana expressed.

Merula looked back over her shoulder as the crowd began cheering and the lights dimmed. "Well, we're about to find out if your plan will work. The concert's starting."

The trio wandered over to the crowd, merging in with the rest of the students excitedly screaming and clapping. But it wasn't the Weird Sisters who began talking.

"Thank you for coming, everyone." Alanza's sweet voice rang from the stage front, "I know you're here to see this band and not me. So please welcome—The Weird Sisters!" she grinned, and joined the crowd as the band began to warm up.

"This first song goes put to a very special friend who did us a massive favour and made this concert possible." Myron, the frontman, spoke, "Lana, this one's for you!" he grinned, and they begun playing their opening song, 'This is the Night'.

"I love 'This is the Night'!" Barnaby grinned, "Perfect first song! And they even gave you a personal shout out, Lana, that's brilliant!" he said, kissing Lana's cheek.

"I have to say, I'm pretty chuffed about that!" she giggled.

"Stop having delusions of grandeur and remember why we're actually here." Merula said glumly, before her face changed completely and she let out a gasp as she glanced to the right. "Look!" she whispered.

Barnaby and Lana followed suit and looked to the right, where two merpeople has surfaced on the shore, bobbing up and down in the water as they listened to the music.

"The merpeople heard the music! And I think I recognise one of them..." Lana said, squinting her eyes at the merpeople, "She's the merwoman I duelled with the first time I entered the lake. And she looks much friendlier this time."

"Guess she took the concert as a peace offering just like you wanted." Merula smiled.

Lana smiled back and glanced at the merpoeple again, where the merwoman was waving at her. The girl gave a small wave back and chuckled.

"That's the invitation I was hoping for! Guess it's time to re-enter the Black Lake and find the last vault." Lana said.

hi friends! :)
long time no see - bit of a shorter chapter today but i'll probably have a few longer ones out next
hope you enjoyed and that you're alright out there :)
thanks for reading and ily lots!
byeee <3

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