Chapter 1

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I was chilling in the slytherin dorm room with Draco when Pansy came running in, she looked like someone had hit her in the face real bad.
"Guys we need to hide now!! They're coming!!" She screamed in panic "Who's coming?!" I asked now starting to panic. Then there was a sudden bang at the door, I quickly ran  up to my room and locked the door with a locking charm and hid with my back against the door.

All I could hear was things being smashed up, people shouting and crying. I really wanted to do something but I didn't even know who was there!
Could it just be Pansy playing a trick on us? I mean she was quite bruised and she didn't even know what makeup was!

I then hear people running up the stairs, I closed my eyes hoping, praying they would run past my dorm and just go somewhere else. I then feel a massive thud on my door causing me to fly forward on my face. I backed away slowly and scanned the room to see if I could somehow hide but there was nowhere for me to go. The thuds were getting heavier and heavier by the minute. I then heard a woman's voice and the banging stopped, I go to the door and press my ear against it

"For goodness sake just use a spell you idiots"

My body tensed up. That voice was Bellatrix Lestrange, the most loyal supporter of Lord Voldermort himself. I was now beyond panicking and scanned the room again to see if I missed anything and sure enough I did: the cloak that I found in the woods before. I run over and put it on making myself invisible and then hide in the wardrobe. I then heard someone scream a spell and the door burst open, I cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming and watch as the death eaters rimage around my room. I look over at the door and there wasn't anyone there.

'Should I make a run for it? They can't see me anyways so let's try"

I quickly and carefully step out of the wardrobe and advance towards the door. I get about halfway down the stairs when I hear more voices

"Bella you can't do this it's too dangerous" an unfamiliar voice spoke

"We'll be fine nobody's caught yet we're almost done searching" Of course it was bellatrix.. 
I slowly creep down the rest of the stairs and see the other woman she was talking to. She was tall, had black hair with blonde streaks through and she was wearing a cloak. (obviously)
I creep behind her and I had almost made it to the door when..

"There seems to be someone with us cissy..I can sense it" bella whispered. How the fuck!? The other woman scanned the room and her eyes landed on where I was stood. It's like she could see me and i was getting worried... I saw a smirk form on bellatrix's face as she advances towards me. FUCK I'm doomed. She reaches out her hand and rips off my cloak.

She smirks again "Oh? What do we have here" She grabs my chin and makes me look at her, her brown/black eyes staring into my purple ones. She smirks wider and licks her lips. The other woman behind me comes forward,

"What did you hear?" she spat. I didn't answer, I was taking busy trying not to freak out. She pushed bellatrix out the way and was not pinning me to the door "WHAT did you hear!" she shouted. Her face was so close to mine, I didn't know what to do..

"I-I.." I stuttered. She raised her eyebrow and pushed her body on mine. I could feel her breath on my neck "I won't ask again, kitten what did you hear?" I gasped.
"I-I only heard Bella say that there was somebody here.. That's It I swear!"

Just as she was going to say something Professor Snape entered. "Narcissa? Bellatrix?"...

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