Chapter 4

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"How about we find Bella and Ciaa together...?"

She looked at me with comlete shock "You can't be serious? The risk we're taking?! They're both criminals!" I raised my eyebrow and she continued "But then again we need them.. So I'm in" I smiled and we sat there hugging before we went downstairs with the others. We sat at well away from the others so they didn't find out because they're all snitches..
"So how exactly are we going to do this? Have you figured anything out yet?" Hermoine whispered. "I haven't got an official plan yet but I have a few ideas" I whispered back. She nodded as Ron walked up to us. He sat in between us both. Rude git. "So what you guys talking about?" he asked. I scowled at him He's so fucking nosy. "None of your business weasel" I spat. He gave me a dirty look "Aright then I was only asking"i rolled my eyes "And I was just telling you. None of your business"

He then left after giving me another dirty look, i swear to god I'm gonna punch the fucker! Mione then turned to me "So how do you think we can manage this then" she asked.

"I think I have an idea... We go back to the manor" I smirked. She gave me the exact same smirk and we went back up go our rooms "I'm guessing we're going today?" she asked. I shook my head "We go tomorrow, seen as neither of us can apparate we'll have to go on foot so we need rest" she nodded and went back to her room "Okay goodnight kya" I nodded and went to my room.

We had a big day ahead of us tomorrow and I'm not sure how it's going to end but we're going to get there and we will be reunited again.


I woke with a start, something was in my room and I could feel it. I grabbed my wand "lumos" I whispered as my wand lit up. I looked around and saw a black dog with bright green eyes. I jumped back in fight hut then realised it was sirius. "Fucking hell man! I shit myself" I whisper-shout. Sirius goes back to human and sits on my bed grinning.
"Okay so don't be mad but I heard your conversation with her mione and I wanted to tell you it just be careful" I glared at him "So you came in here and woke me up to tell me to be careful?!" he laughed and nodded. I playfully hit him on the arm "dick" I mumbled.
"Pfft ill leave you now. Get some rest" I rolled my eyes and laughed. He then apparated leaving me alone.

He wasn't wrong though.. We do need to be careful...

Falling in love with a villain (Narcissa X OC) Where stories live. Discover now