Chapter 2

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"Bellatrix? Narcissa?..."

So that was her name... They both turn their heads towards Snape and I could see the conflict between the three. "What are you doing here severus!?" Narcissa asked coldly. I couldn't help but smile a bit, she was hot when she was mad.
Snape ignored her and looked over at me, I was still pushed against the wall with Narcissa's body pressed against mine. "Kya? What happened here" he asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but narcissa put her hand over it, "it's none of your buisness severus" she said in a warning tone.  If looks could kill, Narcissa would be long gone!

"I happen to be the Head of slytherin House and that I have rights to know why you have one of my students pressed against a wall" He said calmly. Narcissa ignored him and turned to me with her hand still over my mouth, she looked me up and down then her eyes went a little darker and smirked.

"I think we should take this one home Bella" she stated. My eyes went wide with horror as I looked at Snape for help, he then advanced towards us "You will not be taking her back, she remains here!" Dang he sounded pissed... Just then I felt my full body being hurled somewhere and before I knew it I was in an unknown room. All I could see was a bed. I turned and Narcissa was grabbing onto my waist but it wasn't in a threatening way.. It was more like a loving way. She then pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back, merely because I was scared.

"It's okay darling, I'm not gonna hurt you." she soothingly whispered while stroking my hair. I snuggled into her neck and sighed. She seemed to get the hint and started rubbing up and down my back and whispering things like "It's okay, I got you" For some reason I felt safe with her... Like she just gives off this really loving vibe and I can't help but feel safe... There's definitely something wrong with me.

She then looked up into my eyes and caressed my cheek "What beautiful eyes you have dear" she smiled. I smiled back shyly and snuggles back into her, I heard her chuckle lightly. She picked me up with my legs wrapped around her waist and walked over to the bed. I started to tense up a little but and she sensed it. "Kya? Are you okay?" I nodded but she didn't seem to get the hint. "I-I.. Your not going to do anything to me are y-you?" I whispered.

She layed me gently down on the bed, almost like a baby, "No dear I won't do anything to you.. I just want you to get some rest now" she cooed. I smiled and blushed. She walked over to a wardrobe and grabbed a shirt out, she walked over to me and sat Infront of me "May I help you dress?" I nodded and put my arms up. She nodded and proceeded to help me into the shirt.

She then tucked me in bed and sat next to me caressing my cheek and stroking my hair. "Okay love I'm going to my room now. I'll see you in the morning" She went to leave but I grabbed her hand and sat up "P-please d-dont leave me.." I whispered with tears in my eyes..

I was touch starved, nobody had gives me this much affection in a long time and I craved attention. She came back and got in next to me, I quickly shuffled over to her and snuggled into her chest, she put her arms around me in a sort of protective way and kissed my forehead. I could feel tears running down my cheek and Narcissa pulled me closer "Oh darling please don't cry.. I'm here, I've got you" I then closed my eyes and fell asleep in her arms..

I felt safe..i don't wanna leave.

Falling in love with a villain (Narcissa X OC) Where stories live. Discover now