Chapter 3

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I woke up snuggled Into someone, I looked up to see Narcissa sleeping, the memories of yesterday came back to me.. She had kidnapped me. But I felt safe.. Why?
I tried shuffling out of her grip but it was too tight, she had me in a very firm grip. I didn't want to wake her either. I just looked back up and remembered that cold look she gave me, her icey blue eyes pierced through my soul, and the way she held me last night.. Its like she's giving me mixed signals, does she really like me or is she trying to trick me...

Just then we heard a loud bang coming from downstairs, Narcissa shot up immediately and I was free from her grasp. She clicked her fingers and she was dressed. She rushed over to the door, left and locked me in. I ran over to the door screaming "WAIT! WHATS HAPPENING!?" Nobody answered, I heard shouts and screaming, some of the voices sounded familiar.. Molly?! I quickly got dressed again and grabbed my wand and unlocked the door with it.

I ran downstairs to see Ron, molly and Harry. Both boys were dueling with Draco and narcissa. I stood there like a statue watching.. How the hell did they know where to look for me? They are smart after all..
Molly then glances in my direction and rushes over to me "Kya! Goodness your alright are you okay? Are you hurt!?" I brushed her off of me, "Yes I'm fine but why are yall attacking them?!" I exclaimed. "They Kidnapped you kya! We're here to take you back" No!!

I didn't want to go back! I wanted to stay with Narcissa! They then stopped dueling and ran towards me all grabbing onto me then we apparated back to the burrow. I felt empty, like something was missing, her touch, the way she told me everything was okay and that she was there... Now she's not. It's all their fault! I ran up to my room, ignoring everyone who either greeted me or even tried to talk to me.
All I wanted was Narcissa.

3 hours later

Its been about three hours since I got back, I haven't eaten, drank water or anything. I heard a knock at the door "Go away!" I didn't wanna talk to anyone at this moment. I heard a sigh and Hermione walked in. I gave her my death glare but she came and sat next to me on my bed. "I know how you feel kya" I started getting pissed "How the fuck would you know how I feel mione!" She looked hurt but kept going.
"Because im in love with somebody I shouldnt be in love with too" whaaaat!? "What? But who?" Tears formed in her eyes, "Bellatrix" she whispered. Holy shit! No wonder when we mention her she tears up!

"Mione.." I whispered. She smiled weakly and pulled me into a hug "See? I do get you kya..your not alone"
Those words made me feel more sane.. Tears then started flowing down my face, I missed her so much it hurts at the mention of her.. Like mione.
I then had an idea! What if me and mione teamed up to be with out lovers!? Sure its risky but its worth it.
"Mione I think I have an idea.." I whispered to her, still holding onto me. "What is it?" she asked, a light sparkling In her eyes.

"How about we find Bella and Cissa together...?"

Falling in love with a villain (Narcissa X OC) Where stories live. Discover now