Chapter #18 - Glimmer

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Chapter #18 - Glimmer

It was time for Glimmer to learn a missing piece of her past.

She just hoped the secret would contain it.

At the moment, it was anyone's game.

So she watched Sophie as she whispered "Dedrikedes" into the cache— the password. Whatever it meant.

Then it flashed an image.

There were three people, all sitting in an empty, desolate room. No, not a room— a prison. Glimmer didn't recognize any of them— not that she knew all that many people to recognize.

On the long list of pros and cons of not being able to remember the first ten years of your life, this was certainly one of the disadvantages.

Just kidding: They were all cons.

She had tried— oh so many times— to remember what her life was like before that day six years ago, when Gisela had found her.

So far, all she could remember was red. And then darkness.

But Glimmer shoved those thoughts away and focused on the projection. On one side of the prison-room were two people— a man and a woman, both donning the glowing circlets that the Councillors Gisela was always complaining about wore. The man had red hair, and a face that looked like it was used to smiling, but couldn't bother to now. He must've been Councillor Kenric— the one whose memory they were watching now.

Glimmer may not know many people, but she wasn't dumb.

The woman— the other Councillor— had curled blonde hair the same color as Sophie's and wore an expression that could only be described as "extremely anxious." Glimmer wasn't exactly sure who she was; only that she looked like Goldilocks worrying if the three bears would catch her breaking into their house.

Phew, Glimmer thought. Her snarkiness was still intact.

She heard Sophie mutter under her breath, "This must be the memory that Kenric erased from Oralie's mind that he talks about in her forgotten secret."

Oralie. That was Councillor Goldilocks's name.

Sophie and Glimmer's gazes both shifted to the third person in the memory. She had black hair, sharp ears, and the palest skin imaginable. And a weird thing on her head— a headdress?

"Vespera," Sophie muttered. Then she turned to Glimmer, "You don't know her?"

"I do know her, now that you say her name. Some of the other Neverseen members have mentioned her. I've just never actually seen her. The members I'm with the most were Gisela and Ruy." Ruy for training, since his ability was similar to a Flasher— before his ability strangely stopped working after what happened with the shadowflux, that is. And Gisela because, well, she always insisted on being around Glimmer.

Sophie seemed intrigued by how cooperative Glimmer had just been as she said that. And honestly? She was pretty surprised herself.

Maybe one day she would take off her hood and tell them more.

But before now, the Neverseen was Glimmer's life. She wasn't quite ready to trust anyone else yet.

Tam understood. But he seemed to be the only one.

Vespera, in the memory, began speaking in an uncannily emotionless tone. Not like that kind of thing scared Glimmer. "Councillor Kenric— I knew you'd be back. Though I assume you and the rest of the Council erased that first visit from your mind, didn't you? And you'll probably do the same with this one, correct?" She examined the expressions on Kenric and Oralie's faces— almost like she was reading their emotions, despite being over six feet apart from them— then raised her eyebrows. "Ah, I see. The rest of the Council doesn't know about this little visit."

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