Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 :Harry's POV
I walk into school to see niall and Amber laughing and flirting. Ugh I wish she would've chosen me. Amber looked at me, seeing my sadness and suddenly I saw Kylie, and kissed her. Amber had a shocked look on her face, as did I and Kylie. I turned around to see Louis staring straight at me. All of a sudden he punched me an I knocked out. I woke up with amber next to me, sittin on the bed in the nurses. She told me that Louis got a suspension because of him hitting me. I felt so horrible because I knew Louis was dating Kylie. Wat did I do?!?

Ambers POV
It was crazy what happened with Harry and Louis. I felt bad so I offered to help Harry to the nurse. But in all honestly, I was kinda jelous at first, but then I realized that niall I amazing and so sweet, and it made my jealousy go away. After school, sam and Kylie came over to my house. Kylie was so confused and kept wondering why Harry kissed her. She also said that Louis was mad at her too, and he wouldn't answer her calls. Me and sam gave her advice and cheered her up with jokes and goofy faces. Then when they left I finished homework had dinner and fell asleep.

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