Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Hi my names amber am 16 , I live in New York . I got to croyden high school my to best friends names are Kylie and Sam . My parents , my older brother Luke and myself. I always like to paint, draw, dance , act ,and talk . I am not that popular but am fine with not being popular. At my school there are only 7 groups you can sit with at lunch 1.the Yorkers they are one of those people who go to jail and get out with no problems or cares. 2.the texters these are the group of friends who only communicate through text and if they talk to you with out a text your in for some drama. 3. The walking dead these are the kids who talk a lot but never talk out side there group and if you talk to them they just stare. 4 the fakes there are the basic the plastic (mean girls quote) of my school the always judging people and dating "the populars". 5. The popular this is a group made of all men who are all Braun and no brain all they do is compare sick sizes and talk about sport . I guess that out if your a guy but the plastic think every word that comes out of there idiot mouths is funny. They are always laugh and are "fake" . 6. The dreams these are the group that ever one looks at funny after what they say . They don't say much and are very shy but if they do say something it's very weird or just creep some times. They always will come up to you and ask a question and say an answer after but they are very smart . Sometime in class you can see them daydream and not pay attention and still get good grades . 7. The amaz balls that's my group we don't always act fake but if we do it mocking the fakes after they try to insult us it's fun. They try so hard and we don't care they think we tomboys and are manly but the truth is they don't know us. We make fart sounds , cry after zac effron tweets and obsess over celebs. Just normal weirdos 8. The final group the jocks they don't really play a sport but they always are loud and obnoxious and I hate them. Every since that harry styles joined there group my own brother can't go a weekend without hanging out with them. They're always rude and have no manners . This group consist of 6 boys Niall horan , Harry styles , zayn Malik, Louis tomo , Liam payne , and luke. This is my life.

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