Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: it's Monday yea not the sarcasm! But at least everyone made up Louis Kylie Liam and SAMs double date is back on Harry wanted I hang out at the carnival! By the the did I mention they Niall, Louis, Liam, zayn, Harry, and me are all going am going to be the only girl yeah:(, Luke's not going because he feels sick even though I think he's faking it. So I have that to look forward to then Niall and I are going to dinner at his house with his parents don't worry am totally not not nervous about(I totally am )! After another day of annoying Katie trying to ruin my life I made it though me day and now I have to make it through the night with all the boys!

*later at the carnival* we parked the car and all jumped out first thing I do is run to the line to wait for the rollercoaster and the boys follow me. Except Niall who went to the toilet, Niall walks back and joins us in line! "This is taking forever" Louis says, " well only if I could speed up time I would" I snap back we are all in the line I think we can tell it's really long! " guys we're almost there calm down" Liam says trying to calm Louis and Niall down since they were both inpatient. "So what's up amber" zayn says, I smile quickly back at him and reply "this line is really boring", "well only if there was live music it's would be interesting". I giggle zayn is really nice even though he looks tough I pretty sure he might be the sweetest human being on earth deep down,"finally" Louis yells making the people in front of us turn around,at least we made it to the front and we about to get on! I sit next to zayn and Liam on zayns other side, while the others sat behind us in the order of Louis, Harry, then Niall. Once the ride was over we walk to the next one which didn't have a really long line but it was really fun! The night went on like this then it was time to go home so we all headed to the car it's was a long drive back. I pop on my headphones, play music and lean my head on zayns should because for some reason Niall was sitting behind me again even though I told him to sit next to me. I fall asleep on zayns shoulder and wake up to someone carrying me.

I look up and Niall to carrying me I smile and close my eyes again. I hear him mumble a few thing but I can't really understand him but all I got out of it was "my mom said i can sleepover " of so Niall sleeping over now (not that am complaining)! I get tucked into bed and then the weight of the bed shifting wait it Niall FREAKIN HORN IN MY BED!!! It's a dream come true then I cuddle in to his chest and fall asleep.

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