Chapter Fourteen: Am I going about this the wrong way?

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Arrow's POV

My parents drove into the car park. My sister was the first person to get out the car and she ran over to me with open arms and brought me into a comforting embrace.

"My little brother, it feels like its been a life time," she smiled as she pulled away.

"It's only been like a month," I laugh. A week has gone by and I have hardly spoke a word to Colin, Jerrod or his so called friends! I couldn't care less and at the end of the term I think I'm going to go back home. 

Colin hasn't even tried to say sorry, hasn't even showed any signs of giving a fuck. I haven't told my parents yet but Paul knows but he promised to tell no one. I think he might be happy if I return home, I feel quite happy returning home too.

Deep inside I wish I could say I would be truly happy to leave but that would be a lie. I love Colin with all my heart, I can't deny that but Colin has hurt me so much I'm not sure if I could ever forgive him for it.

"Come on inside," I begin.

"No, we made all the plans we are allowed to take you out for the day," smiled my sister as she dragged me back over to the car. I suppose this will make it easier to keep them away from the fact that me and Colin aren't talking.

To go back home, I would go back to a place I am accepted for who I actually am but with out Colin I don't feel I'll ever feel wanted or normal. If Colin can't even accept me or how important I am then will anyone do that?

Maybe I am just not worth it.


I entered the dorm to find Colin and Ace playing a card game. I put all my shopping bags, wallet, keys and a present for Colin from my parents on my bed. I guess I have to give it to him.

I could just tell my parents I gave it to him but not actually give it too I guess that be really horrible and I don't want too steep to his level.

I picked up the present and chucked it on his bed. "My parents got it for you," I whisper before I put all my bags under my bed before I pick up my wallet and keys and leave.

Abby and Kiran want to have dinner together and so I accepted. I mean there the only ones talking to me right now, there the only friends I have if they even count as that.

I had dinner but my mind was wondering and was not in the conversation Abby and Kiran was having about this film they went to see today out in the town nearby. I sigh as my head begins to pound.

I need to take my tablets and probably get to sleep early, I'm not feeling so good right now. I say goodbye to them before I head back to my dorm.

As I enter the corridor I crash straight into, Colin. "I'm sorry," he says.

"Oh really, I doubt that," I say as I continue on my way.

"Arrow, we need to," he says.

"Oh really? When did you ever make the decisions on when I should talk to a dick like you?" I ask as I put my key into the door but Colin pulls me around and kisses me on the lips.

I pull away looking right at him. "Do you think you can kiss me and this will all go away!? I've learnt that maybe, just maybe I was wrong about you Colin on so many levels. If you really cared you wouldn't of let what happened happen. Simple as and until you realise what a dick you was I don't think I can ever begin to reconsider this!" I shout right at him.

"Arrow, please," be begs tears filling his eyes. I shake my head before I go into the dorm hiding how sad I really am. This is breaking my heart, so much but what would you do? Am I going about this the wrong way? I really don't know.


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