Chapter Eighteen: I'm glad

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Arrow's POV

Someone grabbed onto my arm. At first I wondered who it could be, it being this late no one should be out. Neither should I but I get to that later.I turn to see who it is. "Arrow," she smiled at me and I took a deep breath in to know I would be okey.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I ask Abby.

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered.

"I'm sorry, I've not even came to talk to you about leaving at the end of term. You have to understand though," I begin.

"No, I do. I've seen what you have been through, not all of it but I've seen your sadness and I'm happy things have worked out for you. Kevin and his group of friends will never step foot in this school again," she smiled.

"Yes, hopefully they change but that probably never happen. Be careful of Jerrod, he is on a warning but something feels off about him but I never know what it is. Just be careful," I tell her.

"Don't worry about me, okey."

"That maybe a little hard but I will try. I've got your number, I'll text you it probably ease my mind," I tell her.

"I'm sure it will and it be nice to know how you are," she smiles.

"I'll come visit, we can do something I promise, I won't forget you," I tell her.

"And I with you."

I brought her into a hug before she nodded and walked away. I waited until she was gone completely before I carried on down the corridor. Two more days and then I and Colin are out of here. As much as this place brings bad memories it will also have some of those good ones which I can cherish forever. Most of the memories I will try to block out and forget.

I know my future can be good, all I and Colin have to do now is work really hard and support each other. This place hadn't helped to be Accepted but was that ever what we needed?

All we needed was Acceptance between us and the people we truly care about. Maybe we aren't accepted by Jerrod but who would want too? He isn't worth it anyway. Colin would do so much better away from Jerrod and I think after all this time he has come to accept that and so have I.

I found what I was looking for. I took a quick look around to make sure no one else was watching before I sneaked into the empty class room. I pulled out the torch in my pocket and headed through the tables using nothing but the torch light to guide me until I reached the cupboard.

I pulled it open to reveal no other then my best friend Paul and Caz. They both squeezed into my arms and I found it hard to breathe. "Guys calm down, too much noise! Did you get it?" I ask.

"Of course we got it, you asked us we wouldn't let you down. Do you think he will like it?" Caz asked me.

"I hope so, I just had no idea what to get him.Going through all we have been through, I thought he could do with something like this. I know its a few days early but we will be traveling back home on his birthday so I wanted to do this early and tomorrow last lesson would be perfect," I beam.

"Of course it be," they both smiled at me.

"I don't know how I have survived without you guys, I just wish it had been different though. Like we could have saved...Lilly somehow," I add.

"It's not anyones fault, Lilly was an amazing friend and we have to keep that part in our hearts. I bet she would be looking down at us today and laughing with us. Knowing what we all are like, shoving you and telling you how cute you are with Colin," giggled Caz.

"I suppose you are right, let's make this a birthday Colin will remember twenty years down the line!"

Colin's POV

Arrow had his hands over my eyes leading me down the corridor but I have no idea where. I mean I had expected maybe him to get me something it being my Birthday tomorrow but I didn't think he give it to me today.

"How much longer?" I ask.

"Not too fare now," he said in my ear and giggling after.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just hope you like what I have got you," he said.

He leads me nearly into a door as I grazed my arm against it before we stopped."We are here now?"

"Yes we are, now I'm not sure if you ever wanted this. I mean its been a rough few months and I thought this would really cheer you up. I mean its a present which is from not just me," he tells me.

"What do you mean? Who else chipped in?" But he didn't answer me, it fell silent and I listened to hear birds singing and the wind roaring. We are outside?

Suddenly the blindfold that I had on came off and I stood in front of a brand new BMW with my mum, dad, Paul and Caz grinning from ear to ear.

"As I said we all chipped in," Arrow beams at me.

"Oh my god, you are not serious? This is mine?" I ask.

"Well if you don't want it I'm sure I could have it," laughed Arrow.

" I love it. Thank you, how the heck could you even afford it?" I ask.

"That don't matter, just saver the moment. You get to drive home in it tomorrow," Arrow said.

"Really?" I ask turning to my mum and dad and they nod smiling.

"Oh this is the best ever!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

"I think he likes it," smiled Paul and Caz at the same time.

"I'm glad."


Chapter 18 complete.

So yes I've decided 2 CHAPTERS LEFT. Two more and this story will come to a close.

I've loved writing this, every moment I write this has felt good and to please you and you to follow the characters and enjoy this so much means I've achieved what I wanted too do. To build two characters that you would come to know and love just like i have.

I know there is two chapters left but thank you all!

Please comment and vote if you like, I accept any comments good or bad :)

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