Chapter Sixteen: A Phone call away

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Arrow's POV

"You could get in trouble if they found out you are here," I say

"Can you stop worrying about me, Arrow. For a change lets worry about you please? I know what you too have is worth fighting for even if you too don't. From what I have heard most of the blame falls on you Colin, but I don't see why you can't try to work it out," said Paul as we all sat on the wall looking back at the school. 

"I'm not the one that was being a complete di..," I paused and looked at Colin and sighed before continuing. "I don't know maybe I'm being too harsh but this last couple of weeks I've never felt so more alone. I have never felt so unloved and if you can't accept me and care then will anyone else? I just feel like I'm not the worth the time."

"No, don't say that. I don't want you to ever think that," says Colin quickly.

"What do you want? Because to me you want anything and everything apart from me. I came here for you because I can't stand being away from you and I let you push me aside so you can try stop the bullying on your brother but all that happened the bullying turned to me didn't it? Or less I am imagining that too?" I say as I look away from Colin.

"I don't know, Arrow. I can't explain what's going around in my head because I don't understand myself but as I said to Paul I love you Arrow more then anyone else, maybe I don't deserve you but I do love you!"

I look right at Colin and all those feelings that had some how fled ever so slightly sprung back to the surface. "I love you Colin, I'll do anything for you, even die. I left my family to come here with you. I just I thought you would still you know care," I say to him.

"I know, I know I just don't understand anymore," says Colin as tears come to the surface.

"What happened to you, Colin. You was never like this when I met you, never. What's changed has something happened?" I ask so confused how Colin is acting or being.

"I think I may know, but its not good news," says Paul sadly.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I don't know. Just I feel this has something to do more then just...listen Arrow Colin loves you that much is for certain he is stuck between you and Jerrod but I won't know for certain if my theory is right or less I do something. Colin when was the last time you hanged with Jerrod?" Paul asks him.

"I don't know, like yesterday," says Colin confused.

"None of this makes sense," says Paul.

"Can you just tell me what's going on!" I shout loudly.

"I think Colin may have a schizo-affective disorder," says Paul looking at me oddly.

"What the fuck is that!" I ask quite loudly.

"It affects your thinking process and your mood changes quite quickly I think moving to this boarding school may have triggered it. I didn't want to admit it but I have been talking to Colin as well as you and from what he has explained to me today, as well as what I have seen he may have it.  I might be wrong, its surprisingly shocking probably to you how I know this but I plan to maybe become a Doctor and I have been researching a lot since you came here, even before. I may be wrong but its something that needs to be considered and something maybe Colin needs to get checked," Paul says.

I look at Paul in shock and then too Colin. I suddenly get up from the wall pulling Colin to his feet and my lips smack against his with such force we both up against the wall. I love Colin, maybe if this is true he will need all the support he can get.

Two weeks later

I open my eyes to find myself laying on the hospital chair. "You're finally awake, I couldn't wake you," said Paul as he smiled as I woke up.

"I can't believe you managed to diagnose Colin so quickly and easily like that," I sigh.

"Me either but I have felt like I should be a doctor. They said I should consider it. They where amazed and so was I to actually be right. It's a step in the right direction though. I just need to do well in my exams that is all. Look, Arrow I am here for you both through out this. Colin will go through a lot and he will need your support. I know you have been through a lot, but hopefully from now on once Colin gets some help things can get back on track," smiles Paul.

"I hope so too and thank you, Paul. I was glad to get out that boarding school."

"You do know you have to go back, for at least another month till the end of term," he tells me.

"Don't remind me, I hate it there. Even more now that Colin is in here," I sigh.

"It won't be for that long and he'll join you there again till the end of term. I'l see you soon though back home. I'm sorry about what Kevin and his friends did too you. I'm sorry for what Jerrod made Colin do and he didn't really care."

"Not all you're boyfriends family can like you right?" I half ask half laugh.

"Yes very true, Caz really misses you," Paul adds.

"I'll give her a ring tomorrow, I promise you that. You better get going or you will miss your train," I tell him.

"I know but don't forget I am a phone call away and hey web-cam it up soon. You have Colin's laptop so use it!" he shouts at me and I laugh and nod.


Ok guys.

I'm not sure how much I got left of this but it will end soon :(

I hope you have enjoyed this story and the characters! I try make this as realistic as possible hehe and the disorder is a real one! I did not make it up!.

Feed back will be epic as the feedback I have got lately has been AMAZING BALLS OF GREATNESS HEHE THANKS AGAIN!

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