Chapter 3

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Slowly waking like an old computer booting up, Foxy opens his eyes for the first time in a while, though to him everything felt like only seconds had passed. He looks around the room, directly in front of him was Bonnie, missing the top half of his face with piercing red dots for eyes. To his left was Freddy, powered down and scrapped but still in better shape than bonnie. Sitting on the floor he still could not see Chica, assuming she's in just as worse for wares as the other two he tries to find her. He believes she's in the far-left corner of the room opposite of him. Some metal table obstructs his vision. Foxy tries to stand but his legs won't move.

Using some of the tools next to him and rigging some parts together he manages to make himself stand and limp around. Weak, he finds it easier to crawl and so he does, first to Freddy to his left, and now with Chica in view he sees her mouth ripped open and holes throughout her suit. Focusing back on Freddy, foxy starts to turn Freddy back on. Its gonna take a while he thinks to himself. He then moves on to the other animatronics and does the same.

Waiting for them to turn on he continues to work on his legs, by the time he manages to stand and stay standing, albeit wobbly, he hears "F-Foxxxeee..." Freddy's voice was mechanical and robotic. "Freddy?" "Whaa-t have you d-d-done?" Everything begins to rush back to Foxy, the girl, the incident. "I.... I didn't mean to, I don't know what happened." "Tha-t-t-t doe-snt mean any-thi-ing now." Freddy's voice slowly started to form whole sentences without any skipping, and the other animatronics started to come online. "Chiiiiiica" a deep low robotic voice sighed out. Bonnie had come back online. "Bo—ie" Chica managed to let out. The two animatronics both in a state of utter disrepair needed time to reboot and come back online. Freddy already speaking properly again. "This is all your fault! How could you let this happen!" he yelled at Foxy. Foxy moving over to Bonnie first replied "I didn't want for this to happen. It wasn't something I could control, not exactly like we were built for fucking meet and greats you know." Foxy starts to run system diagnostics on Bonnie and makes his repairs accordingly, Foxy does not have the material to make Bonnie a new face but he could get him semi functional.

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