Crush chop and burn pt2

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Leo: what are you doing

Chase: if davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility then the office supplies are coming with us

Bree: we just got our first taste of normal life I was this close to getting a curfew which I was totally gonna break

Adam: oooh but maybe when we get to wherever we're going we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bobo who will take us on adventures and tech us how to love

Chase: or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers

Adam: hey I creat the monkey fantasies around here

Eddy: well kids I hope you've enjoyed your stay at casa davenport I know I haven't sayonara

Bree: eddy I know we've never been the best of friends but we're gonna miss you

Eddy: oh really

Adam: no

Bree: we hate you

Chase: you're evil

Leo:where is this training facility anyway

Eddy: facility X? Oh it's all the rage

Chase: that's pretty nice

Eddy: oops sorry that was my screen saver you're going here

Chase: forget about office supplies we should be gathering wood

Leo: man I wish Me and y/n hadn't thrown that party

You: yea I can't help but think this is all our fault

Adam: oh that's because it is your faults

Bree: Adam they were only trying to help us

Adam: well yea but they did the opposite which is not help us the not makes it the opposite I'm just so bummed it's the only place we've ever known

Chase: yea just think about all the memories we've shared here


Big D: if the atom has to many or to few electrons the atom is called an ion and it has a positive or negative charge and that's how batteries are made the end
Little Adam picks big D's chair up

Big D: whoa whoa ok Adam you can put me down now
Little Adam put him down And little bree grabs the book and runs around with it

Big D: hey come back with that look what you're doing you're kicking up all this dust you're gonna make chase's super senses Glitch and he's gonna-
Little Chase sneezes

Big D: sneeze

*end of flashback*

Leo: I can't let davenport send you guys away let us talk to him no one can say no to these million Dollar smiles

You: and this baby face

Leo: I guess I do have a baby face

You: I was talking about me dumb dumb
I smack him up his head

Leo: ow!


Big D: no

Leo: but what if-

Big D: uh uh

Leo: don't you think-

Big D:forget it

You: please big D you give him the puppy dog face
He hesitates

Big D: uh um uh n-No

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