Rats on a train

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Your POV

Big D: okay guys the next phase of your training is handling extreme climates so we'll frost chase bake bree and submerge Adam that's not part of the training I just got one of those carnival dunk tanks and I can't wait to try it out Ok chase I'm setting your tube on "Antarctic" if it gets to be to much just give me a sign

Chase: bring it

Leo: that's not fair I wanna be abused by weather

Bree: Leo if you really want to be abused try standing over here next to Adam's morning breath

Adam: I don't have meaning breath it smells like that all day

Big D: Leo these guys are genetically engineered to handle these kind of climates you're not

Leo: I can handle extreme cold

Me: sure you can

Big D: Leo you get brain freeze from chewing mint gum
Big D's phone rings

Big D: Davenport. WHAT?! Well that's terrible I mean that's awesome but that's terribleness mean that's awesome but that's terrible I-I gotta do something

Adam: what's going on? What's so terrible

Big D: I created the world fasted train but now it's speeding out of control full of highly expensive nuclonium towards downtown welkerville

Bree: well then what was awesome 

Big d: it's going like 400 miles an hour

Leo: oh ho ho ho

Big D: my entire career is riding or perhaps crashing on this train I don't understand it my design was flawless

Leo: so flawless you forgot to include an emergency brake?

Big D: no I never counted on the conductor dropping his papaya smoothie all over the controls and then jumping off the train

Adam: well if I were to build a high-speed train the first thing I would have put in was a cup holder
(He's got a point haha)

Adam: oh and one of those bumper stickers on the back that say I brake for cows

Big D: when stuff like this happens they always blame scientists this is human error scientists don't make mistakes

Chase knocks on the glass

Big D: chase now I have to explain the whole train story again


Big D: the good news is whenever I invent something I always creat a backup device to support it

Chase: as opposed to just building it right the first time

Big D: ya know I think I liked it you better frozen. my auxiliary decelerate will stop anything ocean liners freight trains tanks eighteen wheelers twelve wheelers

Leo: does it stop unnecessarily long explanations?
I laugh a little

Big D: apparently so only problem is I can't figure out how to get it on the train

Bree: you guys thinkin what I'm thinkin

Chase and bree: our first mission

Adam: I want a pet pig!

Me: me to Adam

Big D: no no no no you are not prepared for this kind of mission it is a highly volatile situation down the line fingers crossed there will be plenty of other horrible disasters

Lab rats Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora