Leo's Jam

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Leo: guys with the dance coming up I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out

Adam: oh great do you know a guy who can teach us
I start laughing

Leo: Me you're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams Danielle

Chase: Danielle isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class

Leo: where els is she supposed to put her feet? On the floor?!

Me: uhh yea that's what you do

Leo: open you notebooks boys cause class is in session

Me: watch her forget his name
Chase and Adam both gave me a nod

Leo: hello Danielle do you know how much a polar bear weighs
She shakes her head

Leo: enough to break the ice I'm Leo Dooley

Danielle: didn't you send me 87 E-mails

Leo: yea that was a slow day

Danielle: ok well see you later Lenny

Me: I told you she would forget his name
I laugh

Leo: it's Leo by the way

Chase: so Leo... what should I write down in my notebook? I mean other than "denied"

Adam: no, no, no you can cheat off of me I have "she's not going to the dance with Lenny"

Bree: are you guys talking about the dance to why is everyone making such a big deal out of this stupid dance

Me: if I'm being honest I don't know

Chase: nobody's asked you two yet have they

Bree: no

Me: yea but I rejected them

Bree: I really wanna go with that guy his name is Ethan we sit next to each other in chemistry Coincidence? I think not Chemistry what should I do

Chase: I got this he's talking about a girl he thinks is cute eww he's talking about you he's coming over here right now to ask you to the dance

Bree: what?! no! Now?! Why? Really?

Ethan: how's it going

Chase: Ethan!

Me: time for me to go

No ones POV

Chase: what a huge surprise to see you here for reasons we do not know

Bree: hey Ethan! How... uh you know we.. uh you know.... Decided what is that over there
She super speeds out of there

Ethan: where'd she go

Adam: uh more importantly what is that over there
the three boys run away


Your POV

Leo: ok you win
Leo said talking to Adam Then chase came running into the lab

Chase: hey guys I finally figured it out

Adam: oh me to do not eat the outside of a pineapple ooph that'll come back to haunt you

Chase: no I figured out how to make Danielle like Leo I recorded her with my bionic hearing let me play it back for you

The recording of Danielle: in the movie the hero punched the bad guy and stole the baby right out of the alligators mouth I would so go out with a guy like that

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