Arrie and Auselin

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Here's a story of a girl who lives to flee past her self doubt.

A girl, not too short, not too tall. Curly brown hair rest just past her shoulder blades, tips blonde. A few strands gathered together to lay just beside her eye, blocking half her vision.

She liked it like that. Having her vision partly blinded. The feel and knowledge that not everything is laid plainly in sight for all to see. A reminder, that not all is how it seems.

Life was most definitely not clearly mapped out on clear sheets of pearly white, almost glistening, paper. And if it were, then the shines and shimmers would be bright enough to block out an area to which one would not want to acknowledge.

The girl, who, to spare sparks of her dignity, will be named as "Arrie", was a girl who trusted all but none.

She was once a girl that fully trusted all, got down on her knees like a good pup, and followed orders by her peers, claiming lies of "its fine, they're all my friends."

Clearly, they had not been.

One had left her.

Another had used her for their own needs, throwing her out like the tests they'd failed on several times.

Another ran away from her at any given moment (hang on to this one, she comes back later).

Yet there was one.

One, who stuck with her through the thick and the thin. Her name was Auselin. And she was Arrie's best friend.

And worst nightmare.

If you'd asked Arrie then, she'd tell you that they were basically like twins.

If you'd asked her how she felt about Auselin then, she'd go on a two minute rant on how sweet the other is.

If you ask Arrie now, what her true feelings were, she'd say she felt like a dog.

A loyal, four legged animal.

Such an innocent comparison. A dog represents companionship, protection; blissful, euphoric love.

But also war and binds.

Forced, binds.

And Auselin? Well, she was the one who held the leash around Arrie's tight collar.

"come play with me, I'm bored"

"follow me, we're going to play with the boys!"

"You like him? He told me I'm cute yesterday and patted my head, I think he likes me like I, him!!!!"

"You absolute imbecile!! How could you push him into the ground?!?!"

"You don't feel inspired anymore? You're hurting? O-oh well, my step mom hates me, I hate her and her Kids whom I play with constantly!!"

"oh, you feel like cutting? Stop being such an attention whore. It's not cool or something to boast about, being depressed. I know you're not."

"...You scratched your hand to the point there are bruises? Who does that? Stop whining and finish my homework. I forgot to do it because my step siblings stole my bag and pushed me down the stairs. Have you seen the cuts on my face?"

"oh, you like that group? So do I!! I can't tell them apart, but that V dude is kinda hot"

"-they look stupid lmao. Oh!! Hey there Arrie, did you see the group's new song? It's so cool!!!"

"You should shower more. You stink"

"your stretch marks are bothering me, stop wearing dresses!!"

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